You're my little lamb.

54 5 0
  • Dedicated to My mom

Everything changed the moment you come out my womb.

You just appeared out of the blue.

Oh and that moment I took you home,

I swear It looked like you were glaring at some museum of Rome

I sat you down on the worn- out chair,

I took one look at you're eyes and it felt like I was floating in the air.

I didn't know anything could be that pure.

You made me feel like for every diease there was a cure.

It felt like a dream taking you up those stairs.

Every step I took felt like a prayer.

As I layed you're petite head.

"Sleep my, lamb," I said.

This might be the last time I will see you.

After all I could die and so could you.

But little lamb you're my baby and you're colours are going to shine through.


True fact here:

My dad calls me little lamb.

lol so yeah

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