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He looked up at Hannah, who had blushed cheeks and looked like she was about to cry.

"Hannah, I feel the same way.", he said, finally getting it off his chest.

Hannah exhaled in relief. Clay smiled at her.

"I thought I had lost you there.", Hannah said as she chuckled.

"You'll never lose me, kid.", Clay said to her. They started moving closer to each other. Their lips just barely met when they heard her mother.

"Hannah! Clay! Dinner!"

They looked at each other. Hannah rolled her eyes and Clay did an exaggerated annoyed sigh. They laughed and headed to dinner.

A few hours later

When it was time for Clay to go home, Hannah showed him to the door.

"I know where the door is, Hannah.", Clay said in a matter of fact tone, earning a laugh from her.

"I know you know, I just wanted to do something properly.", she said, closing the door behind her, leaving the two of them on the doorstep. She began leaning in. 

"Oh........OK.", Clay said as his breath became hitched as he knew what was coming next.

They finally closed the gap, for real, this time. They had kissed before but in front of a bunch of people at school. This was the real first kiss, by themselves, and not as a self-defense tactic.

When they pulled away, they smiled at each other.

"See you tomorrow, Helmet.", Hannah said as she fiddled with the strings on his hoodie. They smiled at each other one last time for the night before Clay got on his bike and cycled away from her.

She watched him go until he wasn't in sight anymore. She sighed.

"I love you."

3 weeks later

Hannah and Clay's relationship was growing stronger by the day. They told Alex and Jessica that they were dating, but not to tell anyone about it. They had gotten harassment for their relationship from the other guys, except three.

Ryan Shaver, Tony Padilla and Jeff Atkins.

Ryan was the editor of the magazine Lost-N-Found, a budding poet and openly gay. Anything interesting he found, he'd pick them up and publish them anonymously. Or people would slip submissions into his locker that he'd publish.

Tony was one of Clays only friends, besides Hannah, Jessica and Alex. Not many people knew he was gay, but regardless of his sexuality, he still had respect for his friend.

Jeff was being tutored by Clay, and he had been doing nothing but encouraging him during all things Hannah. Like the time when he was questioning whether or not to tell her that he loved the way she sounded when she laughed, Jeff said, "You pussy! Girls love hearing stuff like that! What are you so afraid of, Jensen?". He was the push Clay needed.

On this particular day, Alex and Jessica were sick, so Clay and Hannah went right back to her house. They were both exhausted after a particularly tiring day at school, so they just hung out in her room listening to music. 

"Clay?", Hannah asked, playing with a yoyo.

"Yes, Han?", Clay replied as he messed around with a rainbow slinky.

"What would you think about writing our own music? Like, actual songs.", she asked. Clay put the slinky on the bed beside him and looked at her.

"So, basically what you're saying is, you want us to be a music duo?"

"Yeah, something like that. We need a name though.", Hannah said as she put down the yoyo and picked up a notepad and pencil.

"Uh, how about, Hannah and the Douche?"

"Euuuuggggh, Claaay! That sounds so wrong!", Hannah groaned in disgust and threw a slipper at Clay and they both started laughing.

"OK, OK, seriously though, we need a name before we write any masterpieces.", Hannah said, switching them back to reality.

"Uh, what about, Kate Winslet and Charlie Bucket?", Clay said, jokingly.

"You're saying I look like Kate Winslet? Thank you, Mister Dawson.", Hannah replied, mimicking Rose from Titanic.

"I mean, you guys kinda look alike in facial features and.....hair.", Clay said awkwardly, earning an eye roll from her.

They went back to coming up with a name for their duo. After many scratched out names, Hannah was the one to come up with the final conclusion.

"This is so stupid, I can't believe what I'm about to say.", Hannah groaned as she buried her head into her notepad.

"Say it, Han, I'm sure it's great.", Clay said reassuringly.

"Eugh, if you say so. Here we go. What do you think about ‘Bakers and Helmets’?", Hannah said, making it sound like it was the dumbest name ever.

Clays face lit up.

"Its perfect, Hannah.", Clay said to her, in love with name, but also with her.

5 days later

It was a Saturday, and the two teenagers didn't have any work, so they chose to spend all day in the music room. They wanted to get cracking at making music.

Hannah was bent over her notepad, writing down lyrics, as Clay was messing with the guitar. He started playing the tune to Vance Joy's Mess is Mine. Hannah looked up from her notepad, then back down at it, then back up

"You know what, Clay?", he looked at her, "if you put the capo on, like, the 4th fret, it would go perfect with my lyrics here."

Clay smiled as he put the capo on the the 4th fret and played the intro. Hannah then started singing.

Moved here last summer
Thought it'd be a huge bummer
Turns out I was wrong
I found the guy I've wanted so long

"That's all I have so far.", Hannah said, her cheeks bright red. Clay stopped the music by putting his palm over the strings.

"It's beautiful. You're a lovely songwriter, Han.", he said to her, causing her to smile hugely.

"Aw, thanks, Helmet."

"Anytime, Little Baker."

"Hey, you finally came up with a nickname for me!", Hannah pointed out with a smile.

"Do you like it?", Clay asked with a smile.

"I love it."

Not as much as you, though, she thought to herself.

They went back to songwriting and composing for a few more hours, before going into the living room to watch Netflix. Clay introduced her to Stranger Things, which they ended up watching 5 episodes of. They were cuddled up together, so they turned off the TV and they fell asleep.

When Mr and Mrs Baker came home from their date night at 9 o clock, they looked at them in awe.

"And she says she just has a small crush on him. I know love when I see it.", Mrs Baker said to her husband as she put a blanket over them before heading up to bed.

Hannah stirred in her sleep and opened her eyes. She looked at Clay and smiled. She kissed his forehead and adjusted the blanket on them.

"Goodnight Helmet. I love you.", she whispered softly before going back to sleep.

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