"No problem. See you later baby girl." I say as the door closes.

Suddenly the door opens again. Katy's head pokes out. "Where's Jon?" She questioned.

"Don't worry, he isn't hiding in your room. He left earlier." I smirk and Katy sighs and nods.

The door closes and I drag Colby back to his room. I throw Colby down on his bed and go over to the couch.

Katy's POV

Cena had texted me asking if I wanted to go to the gym with him and Kofi, and then some lunch afterwards. I looked at the clock, 9:30. Joe, Colby and Jon got here early.

I quickly change into a red R rated superstar shirt and black yoga pants. I pulled my hair up and didn't bother putting on any make up, I would sweat it off.

I grab my gym bag and head to the lobby where I was meeting Cena and Kofi. I got in the elevator and so did Stephen (Sheamus).

"Hello Katy. How are you?" Stephen asks as soon as the elevator doors close.

I turn to him and smile. "I'm doing great. How are you doing Stephen?" I ask and he smiles.

"I'm doing good. I'm heading to get breakfast and by the looks of it, you are heading to the gym." Stephen acknowledges my attire.

"You guessed right. I'm going with Cena and Kofi."

"Don't use the same weights as Cena."

"Hey! Who says I can't lift as much as him?"

"Fella, I'm sorry to say this, but I'm pretty sure you can't."

"I can always try."

"Don't hurt yourself."

I play glare at Stephen as the elevator opens to the lobby. "See you later fella." Stephen says waving bye and I wave back.

I walk over to Cena and Kofi, their backs towards me. Cena and I always had gotten along, he's a very like-able guy. From the second he walked in those doors, Cena and I became friends.

Kofi and I were close for awhile. While Phil and I had something going on, and Kofi always being with Phil, Kofi and I had became good friends. Lately we haven't really talked, but I still liked Kofi. He was a great guy.

Since the guys had their backs towards me I deciding to jump on one of them. Nikki would kill me knowing I jumped on Cena, but she would let it go eventually. I should save the jumping on Cena for Nikkk. Kofi, he was always fun to mess with. Kofi it was then.

I ran up to Kofi and jumped on his back. He froze not knowing who it was. "It's fine, it's just me." I whispered and Kofi relaxed, but still kept me on his back.

"Looks like I'm carrying you there." Kofi smiles and Cena takes my bag. These guys were too nice.

We got to the gym which was only a block from the hotel. Cena put my bag down and Kofi spun me, making me laugh, before he put me down. I giggled as I got down and went into my bag to grab my iPod and headphones.

I head over to the treadmill. I run there for awhile. I head over to the weights. After what felt like ever, I was heading into another room. It was where there was a ring and some punching bags. No one was in there so I was in luck.

I grabbed a pair of boxing gloves and walked over to the punching bag. I just kept punching and punching. Anger ran through me. Everything in the past clouded my mind and I kept punching harder and harder.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I spun around and took my headphones off. In front of me stood a sweaty Jon who had an amused smirk on his face.

"Someone seems mad." He stated raising his eyebrows.

"What do you want?" I ask turning back to the punching bag.

"I was wondering how you can just jump from guy to guy?" Jon asks and I spun on my heel and faced him.

"Excuse me?" I question raising my eyebrow.

"You know. Going from Colby to Kofi." Jon says like he was stating the obvious.

"What the hell? It's called having friends. Something you must not understand." I growl and throw my boxing gloves off.

"Ouch that really hurt." Jon mocked holding his heart. "Maybe jumping from guy to guy gets your mind off Phil." Jon chuckled.

That was it. That's when I lost it. I pushed Jon and I felt my face go red. Jon just chuckled, a smug look on his face. I slapped Jon and then his face went dark.

"You know nothing about my relationship with Phil. You wouldn't ever understand something like that because you don't feel. You don't have feelings. You're worthless, no one cares about you." I sneered and I saw Jon's fists clenching and unclenching.

"What, you don't have any snarky comments left? Come on Jon. What, cats got your tongue?" I smirk and Jon starts getting closer and closer to me. I backed up and hit the wall.

"Sweetheart, you should know better than to test me." Jon chuckled.

"Trying to scare me? Not working sweetheart." I retort mocking him.

"You should be scared. You should be shaking, your whole body trembling."

"Not happening. I'm a big girl. I'm not scared of someone like you."

"Oh, but you will be."

"Jon! Let the girl go!" A familiar voice shouts. Jon didn't budge. He still stood in front of me just staring at me. I stood tall and stared right back.

"What the hell did I just say?" The voice shouted. Joe, thank The Lord for Joe. Joe walked over and pulled Jon away from me and glared at him. "What the hell did I say to you earlier?" Joe questions Jon and that's when Jon's face changes.

Jon sighed and rubbed his hands over his face. His face wasn't dark anymore. Jon looked over at me and I glared at him. "Katy, look-" Jon starts.

"Don't. Just don't. I'm going to go now. Thanks Joe. I will see you later, I need to catch up with Cena and Kofi." I mutter, thanking Joe as I leave the room.

I walk over to my bag and see Cena and Kofi over there already. "Katy, are you okay?" Cena asks, noticing the frown on my face.

I quickly smile. "I'm fine. I'm starving though." I comment.

"Aren't you always hungry?" Kofi asks.

"99.9% of the time, yes." I chuckle and the three of us head out to lunch.

Cena lead us to a Subway across the street. As I was eating my lunch, I got a text.

Joe: Jon feels really bad about what he did back there.

Me: Tell him not to question my past relationship to get a rise out of me.

Joe: What you saw back there, well. I need to talk to you in person.

Me: How about in 30 minutes? I should be done lunch by then.

Joe: Sounds good. Room 322.

Me: Alright. See you soon.

I turned back to Cena and Kofi as they sat down. We all caught up and laughed. We didn't really talk about the whole Shield, Ziggler thing, which I was grateful for.

I walked back to the hotel with Cena and Kofi. We all went our separate ways, seeing as they stayed in buses.

I made my way to Joe's room. I walked down the hallway and faced room 322. I sighed and knocked. The door opened to a tired looking Jon. What the hell did Joe lead me into?

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