"There's no need to thank me, you know I'd do anything for you." I  smiled back.

We sat in total silence till we both finally decided to go home since it was a school night.

Jasper dropped Devin at home before we headed to ours.

"Are you okay Jemma?" Jasper questioned as I took off my shoes.

"Yeah I'm fine," I answered, walking to the stairs, "and my name is JJ. Good night"

"Good night."


"I'm going to see Uncle Williams so I'll go first," I said to Paige walking out of the school and into my car.

Since yesterday at the hospital all I've been thinking of is Uncle Williams. If he doesn't make it then Devin will be left all alone because his real mother died while giving birth to him. His dad remarried but they divorced after a year because all the woman wanted was his money.

I felt really bad for Devin so I decided to see Uncle William as much as I can. They say that if you keep talking to someone in coma there's a possibility that the person is hearing you and that may just help the person recover faster. That's my best way of helping.

Devin was already at the hospital before I got there, I guess he has been here all day.

"Hey, have you been here all day?" I asked making him turn in shock.

"Gosh you scared me," he placed a hand over his chest. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see Uncle Williams," I nodded to his father.

"Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

I started laughing, "no, school just closed." I managed to say in between fits of laughter.

"Oh, guess I've been here for a long time then," he shrugged.

"And you haven't had lunch so let's go, I haven't eaten too," I dragged him out of the room.

"Why didn't you eat at school?" He held my shoulders.

"Wasn't hungry," I lied.

The truth is I had no appetite so food didn't seem so important despite the loud screaming of my tummy.

"Oh Jemma, I've known you so well, lying isn't a thing you do to me and get away with it," He sighed and ruffled my hair.

"I'm not lying I really wasn't hungry," I defended myself.

"Then why are your ears suddenly red," he touched my left ear.

"It's the air conditioning, it's a little bit high here," I lied again.

He sure knows me well. Whenever I lie my ears turn red due to my fear of getting caught and its very annoying so most of the times I cover my ears with my hair but I just forgot today.

He just smiled and this time around dragged me out of the building.

We walked towards the nearest restaurant and sat down on the tables outside since we both needed fresh air.

"So how was school today?" He asked as we looked at the menu.

"It was okay. What about you, why didn't you go to school?"

"Didn't feel like it."

"Do what you think is right but just don't fail that's my only problem."

"Trust me JJ when have I ever failed in school work?"

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