chapter 5

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Finally he showed up. The look on his face was pure terror. He was scared that I was going to pounce. Trust me if I wanted to but he was the client and I was his 'princess'. "HEY KAKASHI-SENSIE WHY DOES THIS BRATTY LITTLE NOTHING COMING WITH US US ON OUR MISSION!!" Naruto shouted. ' a bratty little nothing huh. Sounds familiar.' 'Of course it does it's what that kakashi guy called you right. Huh Scarlett what's wrong.'  I didn't  realize until Kami said that that I had tears in the corner of my eyes. Kakashi seemed to notice and moved towards me attempting to put a hand on my shoulder but I flinched back. "Pathetic she's a ninja she's worse than Naruto" that stupid emo duckbutt said. But before I could stop them the tailed beasts piped out of nowhere in chibi form. I sighed and just watched and listened to what they were about to say. "Shut up you stupid kid. She's stronger than you could ever dream of. She's stronger than all of the sannin, hokage and sage of six paths put together. Say something to her again and within a second your dead." Kurama said threatingly towards sasuke and growled. Everybody looked in shock. Then shikaku turned to Naruto and tried to pounce. I picked him up before he had the chance." Let me go I'll end him. He made you upset. He's going to pay. Make him suffer. Kill him." He shouted I just sighed and walked out the gate with shikaku still in my arms. I turned back around to see them dumbfounded. "Are you coming or not. I'm not gonna wait all day." That seemed to snap them out of their daze and they quickly followed me at the tailed beasts gatherd around my feet walking with me. I then remembered the conversion I had with kurama earlier. "Kurama do you remember what I said earlier?" I ask him with a deadly aura. He looked at me and hid behind tazuna.

Neji's sister love story  (oc x Kakashi)Where stories live. Discover now