Scarlet's profile

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Name:  Scarlet Hyuga

Age: 25

Hair: waist long red hair

Eyes: traditional hyuga eyes (just pretend I                  couldn't find a hyuga with red hair)

Family:  neji hyuga (little brother)
                 Hizashi hyuga (farther deceased)
                 Elizabeth hyuga (mother deceased)
(I know that's not her real name but I couldn't find it anywhere)

Likes: reading, dancing, singing, training, hanging out with her friends, spending time with her family, the color red.

Dislikes:  fan boys,  fan girls, bullies, mean people, orochimaru,  Kakashi Hatake, people who think they're better than everybody else.

Personality:  Agngerd easily, funny with friends, nice to friend and family, little bit emo.

Birthday:  21st August

Friends:  Gai, Kurinei, Asuma, Koatetsu, imazu, anko, Ibuki, jaryai, tsunade.

Nicknames:  red, chilli pepper, scar and sweets

Dojutsu: sharing an, ring and and byakugun. (You'll find out later in the story)

(Scarlett thinks of tsunade as a second mother and jariya as well second father.  She doesn't know her parents died.)

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