chapter 4

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After our little outburst,  I decided I was gonna try and get ready for my mission with an Uchiha,  a walking piece of bubblegum, a boy that looks almost identical to my sensei and a bully. Great *note the sarcasm* 'shut up you little brat and get ready. This Kakashi guy can't be that bad. ' O ye I forgot to mention I have half of each tailed beast inside of me so that's useful also the ten tails. No one knows  except me, the Jinchuriki and the 5 kage.  Well 4 the old man doesn't know yet. 'You stupid child. ' 'shut up Kuruma you might be trapped now but I swear when I let you out in gonna kill you'   I said in my mind he just crawled back to his cage like a little pup.  When I was ready I eventually left the house that used to fill me with so much happiness and now it only brings sorrow.  When I come back from my mission I'm gonna visit their graves.

I finally make it to the gate and wait for the others to get here. I got so bored I actually considers talking to kami but he would just be way to hyper. O that's right I didn't tell you another thing the ten tails name is kami I know the tailed beasts are supposed to be 'evil' and 'heartless' but kami was made by kami the god of every one and everything. So he has a heart of gold but the only down fall is his personality he doesn't shut up.  EVER! He's like another Gai I suppose. Now I have to deal with 3 great. Just as I was about to go to talk a guy showed up.  Which one you ask. The one who I feel like killing every time I see him. Uhhhh. As if this day couldn't get any worse. "Hello Scarlett" and it just did. Kami kill me. "What do you want Kakashi"I spoke with as much venom as I could muster. He looked hurt for some reason."I was wondering if you wanted to go out some time when we get back so I can make up to you all the terrible things I have done to you." He apologized. Too me I don't think he understands just how much pain I went through. 'but he seems generally sorry we should give him a second chance please scar please.' and here comes Kami coming into a conversation he doesn't belong in. I just decided to ignore him. " I don't know Kakashi I'll have to think about it" as soon as that was said it was silence until the rest of them came. All we need is the client. Oh tazuna what have you gotten you self into.

I'm really sorry guys this is so short but I've had a ton of homework and not had time to do much thanks for reading love yas ~author chan

Neji's sister love story  (oc x Kakashi)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя