Chapter 16: Void Stiles

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The hunter's jaw tightened, feeling as reluctant as him about leaving but he felt the need to avenge his daughter. "Because I know what you're talking about and if I'm right, then we'll be able to kill those things."

That was all Omar needed to hear in order to go with him.




Scott stared at his girlfriend who sitting in the passenger seat of Lydia's car. "She'll be okay." He assured her softly. The strawberry blonde was waiting patiently by the animal clinic door with Lia and Isaac.

Her bottom lip trembled, unable to forget how the paramedics had been reviving Allison when they left in the ambulance. It was only because Omar had sent her a quick text saying that she was in surgery that she knew that her friend was still alive. "I really hope so." She muttered.

He cupped her face, seeing how tired she looked. "You want to stay here?" He asked her. "We can talk to Deaton and see if he knows anything while you rest."

"Okay." She whispered reluctantly, as much as she wanted to go with them to talk to his mentor, she could barely feel much magic in her.

He kissed her forehead. "I'll be back." He stared at her before going with others to talk to his boss in hopes that they could trap the nogitsune somehow or even kill it if need be.

Imogen leaned back in the seat, exhaling tiredly and her gaze went down to her bracelet. The somber expressions that everyone wore after witnessing their friend being injured sent a pang of guilt through her body. She could only imagine the emotions they would feel once they realized what she had planned for Sylvia.

Choosing to block the unknown future the laid ahead, she glanced down at her phone to see if she had any new messages and there was a bunch from her Uncle Ben who was worried about her. She decided to call him to tell him that she was okay but there was no answer and she sighed, sending him a quick text instead.

The rushing footsteps got her attention and she saw everybody coming outside. Imogen glanced at her boyfriend who climbed onto his bike sending her a hopeful look while Lydia quickly climbed in, "We think we know a way to trap the nogitsune." She said, not giving a chance for Imogen to ask if they had found out anything.

With that the strawberry blonde drove off as soon as Isaac and Lia got inside, she quickly told her about the triskele box that had Talia's claws inside was made of the wood from the nemeton and that it would be enough to contain the nogitsune.




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