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"wait till my father hears about this!"

"wait till my father hears about this!"

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"YOU foul, evil, loathsome little cockroach!" Hermione yelled as she advanced towards him, her two best friends trying to keep up with her pace, their mouths shut.

I'm going to end you!

Her friends were being intelligent in doing what they did, everybody who knew Hermione Jean Granger knew that once her limits were crossed, nobody could stop her.

Hermione's wand was now centimeters away from his face. Draco Malfoy had the tendency to get on people's nerves.

"Don't do it 'Mione, he's not worth bothering us!" Ron finally spoke, but nervously. He and Harry had never seen her this angry.

Yeah, Malfoy's not worth my time. She took a deep breath and lowered her wand.

As soon as she stepped back and turned around, Draco's tone suddenly changed. He wasn't scared anymore, infact he started to mock her.

"The mudblood thought she could hurt me! Nobody can hurt a Malf- "


She didn't wait. Why would she?

Draco's pointed nose was flattened and the blood coming from it looked shining red on his pale face.

"What the- You're gonna pay for this, y- you filthy little mudblood! Wait till my father hears about this! He's going to get you expelled, all of you!'' He saw the smirk plastered on her face, and he knew he really couldn't face her anytime soon, and so he ran.

"That felt good." Happy with herself, she turned around.

"Not good 'Mione, brilliant!"


"Look at me! Just look at me! Look what that Granger girl did to me!"

''Oh dear, its nothing! It's just your nose that's bleeding and your face's a bit swollen-"

His voice echoed in the quiet hospital wing.

"It'll be alright in a few days! I'll not be able to look after you for I'll be away for one week, but don't you worry, I've asked indeed the prettiest-"


''Prettiest and brightest-"

"So it's not Pansy for sure."

"Uh, sure dear, it's-"

A girl with neat robes and wavy chestnut hair that reached just below her shoulders entered the hospital wing.

"I'm here to help you with your work, ma'am!"

He'd heard that voice recently.



"Oh so you both know each other? That is good, isn't it? Sure makes your job a lot easier, doesn't it, Miss Granger?"


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