Part 25 / Day Unknown

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Hey y'all I would like to give LeslieGrossmansQueen a shout out, because they have been really helpful in keeping me afloat these last few days. So yeah enjoy the chapter and please read his story. Oh and btw this chapter is in your POV the whole time.~ IZZY
"Oh my god Sarah." You said as you threw the blankets off of yourself. You raced to her. You caught her right as Finn was tossing her to the floor. You cupped her face and kissed her. She kissed back.

"You've seem her. Now the real fun begins." He pounded on the wall with his fist. Almost like he was calling for someone. Two seconds later Billie walked into the room. Two seconds after that Holland walked into the room. "Wait what's going on?" You asked.

"You really are that stupid." Finn said walking towards you. He had almost a menacing step. "These two people hate the two of you. And they found love out of it. I hate one of you and I want the other." He walked back over to Sarah. "Tie her down." He pointed to her.

There was screaming. Fighting. She wasn't going to do it willingly. The entire time this was happening Finn was holding you down so you didn't try and stop them. "Please baby." You said to Finn. You had to show him that you "loved" him. You didn't really. You just wanted to get out of here. You wanted Sarah to get out of here.

As soon as they were done tying Sarah to the chair Finn got back up. "Now Billie and Holland leave. This is only a one person job." The door swing open. "Yes sir." That both left the room.

    "You are going to watch every single thing I do to her. You will watch and enjoy it. Or she will die." He pulled two cigarettes out of his coat pocket he put one in his mouth and lit it. He handed one to you. You grabbed it as he lit it. You took a drag. A tear sliding down your cheek. "Yes Finn." Was all you could say.

    Sarah was tied to the chair. It broke your heart. Nothing in the Air Force ever prepared you for this. Never this type of situation. Never. You had tears uncontrollably spilling down your face. "Please don't." You begged him to stop.

     "You will enjoy this I promise." He said kissing your forehead. You felt divulged by his single touch. Even breathing the same air as him made you want to die. You hated everything he stood for. 

     He walked up to Sarah giving her an evil menacing look. You wanted to bash his face in. He pulled the cigarette out of his mouth. Walking slowly towards Sarah. "You are going to suffer and I am going to enjoy it." He laughed his evil menacing laugh that made you sick to your stomach. He brought the cigarette closer to Sarah's arm. Eventually bringing it down against her arm. She screamed. So loud. "Ahhhh! FINN PLEASE STOP!!"

You were uncontrollably crying. The tears were no longer just escaping. The flood gates were open. They were open nice and wide. You hated what Finn was doing. You just didn't know how to stop it. "Don't make a sound or I will break your arm." He said getting closer to Sarah's face. He turned to me and brought his fist up punching her in the stomach. Sarah let out another scream. "AHHHH!" She was crying. Just like you. You wanted the pain to stop. You would rather he be doing this to you not her.

    "FINN! Please stop. Do it to me instead. Leave her alone. Please. Please just take me instead. Let her go." You were hysterical. You couldn't breath. It felt there was a ton of bricks against your chest. "I am what you want not her. She doesn't deserve this." You begged and pleaded. He brought the cigarette back up to his mouth lighting it again. He looked like he was think. Thinking about what you said.

You got out of the bed and walked over to him. "I am the one you want. Not her. Not that trash." You leaned in your cheek against his. "Let's do it together." You whispered in his ear. He shook his head. You both walked over to him. You walked slightly behind Finn. You have Sarah a look that said be ready to run.

"Finn?" You said. "Yes?" He turned around to look at you. You pushed his head into the wall. There was blood. Lots of blood. You were frozen. You didn't mean to hit him that hard. You didn't want to kill anyone. "(Y/N)!" Sarah said. You turned and helped her untie the ropes that were holding her to the chair.

     When you managed to get the ropes off of her you saw the marks that they left. Her wrists and ankles were bleeding. The burns on her arms were also bleeding and she had dried blood everywhere. When the ropes were off she jumped out of the seat and hugged you. The tightest big possible. "Oh my god. I thought I lost you." She said cupping your face in her hands. "I didn't know what I was going to do with myself. Oh my god your leg!" She said. Your leg was covered in a thick layer of dried blood. It was flaking in places. "I will be fine. We have to get you out of here." You looked at her. You cupped her face as well bringing it closer to your own. You kissed her short but passionate.

    "We need to go. Now." You said as you got up off the floor. Your leg sent a shock wave a pain through your body. You ignored it. I have to get Sarah out. No matter what the cost.

     You opened the door to the room and looked down the hallway. Right then left. No one was there. You thought for sure that Holland or Billie was gonna be there. You two races to the end of the hallway.

     You stopped as you heard footsteps walking towards you from the opposite side of the hall. "Run!" You yelled at Sarah giving her one last kiss before turning around and running towards the people.

     "Help Finn he's hurt!" You heard a door slam where you left Sarah. Yes! She's out! God Sarah please help. You thought to yourself. You saw Billie walk into the hallway. "Billie help. Finn he's hurt." Billie races towards you. "He is in there." You pointed. She raced into the room. You slammed the door behind you. Completely forgetting about Holland.

     You raced down the hall the opposite way of Sarah. Trying to see if there was another exit. You got to the end of the hall and there stood Holland. "Don't move or I will shoot." She was holding a gun. "Holland please. You don't know what you are doing. Just let me go and you won't suffer any consequences. It doesn't have to be like this." You tried to plead with her. It want working. "I told you not to move!" She screamed. "Please?" You we're slowly walking closer to her. "I told you to stop moving." You heard the sound. You felt the pain. You fell to the floor. The room you were being held in burst open as Billie and Finn came running out. "What the hell did you do?!" Finn screamed at her. "I shot her. She would have run!" She screamed back. "And I will do it again. The first time she shot you in the shoulder. The second time she got your foot. You screamed in pain. Your vision was getting fuzzy. Black spots were appearing. "Help me please." You said as everything went dark.

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