Part 17 / Day 5

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I know I said I wasn't going to update, but you guys are more important than anything else happening in my life at the moment so here you are. ~IZZY
There was so much tension in the room. No one da, in fear that the silence might break and someone would say something that they would regret. You didn't move. You didn't dare move. You looked at Sarah. You were so confused. What did she mean? You put her in the hospital?! You though. You wanted answers but you didn't want to say anything out of fear. "Jessica, calm down." Ryan started. "I will not calm down. Sarah I love you with all my heart, but god I haven't looked at you the same way since then. You need to tell everyone what really happened that day." She said glaring at her. "Why are you doing this?" Sarah asked her. "Because. JUST TELL THEM!" She screamed the last part. "Fine. I broke. I got so stressed to the point where I wasn't thinking and I broke down. Jessica has come into my trailer, without knocking and just started to pour herself a drink and I was stressed and getting emotional. And I yelled at her. I said 'Why the fuck are you in here? Can't you get a drink somewhere else?' She got up and looked at me and she said. 'Oh honey you look horrible.' At that point I just didn't care anymore and I pushed her off of me and she hit her head on the table. There was blood so I called 9-1-1 and they got their as soon as they could." She paused and looked at you. You couldn't look her in the eye. "I felt so bad. I wouldn't leave my trailer. Ryan has to send someone to clean up the stain and the blood because I wouldn't move or eat. I apologized so many times. And I still am. I paid your medical bill and I took care of you when you got out. I am so so so sorry Jessica. I never meant for that to happen."

You didn't know what to do. You just sat there. You couldn't look at either person. That is why Jessica wanted me to be careful. So I wouldn't end up like her. But Sarah. Oh my god! Why did she keep this from me? Something this important. You thought. "I know your sorry and I am sorry to, but none of us ever talk about it. It happened people. Like talk about it. I want to hear you. I want to know what you thought. I love you Sarah, but we needed to talk about this." Jessica said. Sarah was crying. She walked over to you and you stood pulling her into an embrace. She buried her face into your chest. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you." She whispered. "We can talk at home." You whispered back. She shook her head yes. "I-I just want everyone to know that the rest of us have moved on and Jessica we know that it was hard for you but it was also hard for Sarah. You should have been here after that. She didn't eat or drink or sleep or that whole week." Kathy said. "We love both of you very much, but you need to love past this because it's affecting everyone now." She stood up and left the room. Evan and Finn followed, with Ryan close on their heels. "I'm so sorry Jessica." Sarah ran over and hugged her so hard you could see her face turning red. "I love you too Sarah and I am happy we could move past this." Jessica said kissing her forehead. You walked towards the door. "(Y/N) wait." Sarah said grabbing your wrist. "Please let go of me." You said pulling your wrist back.

You needed to think. You needed to get your shit together. You walked out of the room. You didn't really know where you were going. You just kind of wandered while stuck in your own thoughts. What just happened in there? Why was it so hard for Sarah and Jessica to get past it? I feel bad for Jessica,and Sarah, but what did Sarah do to her head? Was there any other damaged caused by it? Will she do the same thing to me? That last thought pushed you over the edge. You didn't know what to do. What if she did it to you? What would you do? You didn't want Sarah to hurt anyone especially you, but you also didn't want to leave Sarah because you really liked her. Maybe even loved.

You looked up getting out of your thoughts. You had no idea where you were. There were old lights and stage props. Levers used to pull curtains up on Broadway. Those sandbags you see backstage during stage shows. You were fascinated. They all looked like they had been here for awhile. Like they hadn't been touched in years. You walked around them. Looking at each one. They looked like they were taken down not to long ago. Maybe this place used to be a theater. You thought. Right then your phone rang again.

Unknown- I told you I would be in touch.

Unknown- I also told you not to text this number.

You- Because I'm a great listener. Who the hell are you?

Unknown- All in due time. First thing's first though. I would step away from the lights.

You- WHAT THE HELL?! (Where the hell was this person. Why were they doing this to you?)

You- What is wrong with you? Your insane.

Unknown- No. Not insane. Just full of revenge for what you did to me all those years ago. Now your going to pay. Along with all of your little acting friends.

Unknown- I would hurry up back to them. We would want anything to happen to you.....

You immediately took of running down one of the hallway type things. You really hoped it was the one that led back to the stages. You had tears running down your face and you were scared. So very scared of what would happen if that person. Whom eve they were. Did something to you, or worse did something to one of your friends or Sarah. God. What would I ever do if something happened to Sarah? You didn't even want to think about it. You just continued running until you were out of breath.

You stopped catching your breath. You heard voices up ahead. "Hello?" You called. You saw a shadow of someone moving. There were coming towards you. Your breath caught in your throat. There was another shadow. Two of them. Walking your way. One on each side. You didn't know what to do where to go. You heard footsteps behind you. You didn't want to look, but your body had other plans. You turned around. Nothing was there. No one to your left or to your right, and you no longer heard any footsteps. What is happening? You asked yourself.

Unknown- Be mindful of what is hiding in the dark.

Unknown- You never know what is just going to come out and grab you.

Something latched on to your leg. You screamed. "Ahhhhhhhh!" Your throat was burning and your leg felt like it was being torn off your body. You tried to pry off whatever was there. Your hands pushed and pulled on the object. You let something sharp pierce your skin. You screamed again. "HELP ME!" You yelled. Something else latched onto your upper arm. The same pain you felt in your leg was now up there. You tried to get it off as the pain in your leg slowly went away. Like it could only have one thing on you at a time. The sharp thing was now digging into your shoulder. You felt blood trickle down you arm. "SOMEBODY PLEASE!" You screeched. Then the feelings just stopped.

You could still feel all the pain, but where there would normally be pressure of something was on you was completely gone. You heard footsteps. Fast and quickly running towards you. You had no idea how long you had been lying there. You could feel your brain pulling you into unconsciousness. "Hey, stay with me." Someone said. It was a male. You couldn't see their face clearly, but they had black hair. "You have to stay awake." You picked you up. "Look at me. Stay awake." He was carrying you bridal style hopefully back to the set. You had no will to fight. You just wanted to sleep. To sleep and never wake up. You wanted all the pain to go away. "Oh my god!" You heard someone scream. "What the hell happened to her?!" It was Sarah. "I found her all the way in the old prop room. She was just lying on the floor. Shaking." The man said. "I checked her. There are scratches down her back and almost nail like holes in her ankle and shoulder." He said. Sarah cupped your face. "Oh baby what happened?" You couldn't fight the sleep much longe. You opened your eyes just a little. "H-Help m-me." You makes to get out before falling into total blackness.

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