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I was 17 at the time living in Long Island, New York. My friends and I were playing with a Ouija Board. There was a bunch of us hanging around and a few of us were skeptical about the game. We met one ghost who called herself Gwen. She said she was around our age(17-18). She said she had lived in our neighborhood years before. We asked her all kinds of questions. Well at one point we asked her where in the room she was and she just spelled out "He he". Well we asked her again and she said she was under our table. We asked her why she was there and again "He he". We asked her again and she said she was playing. We asked her waht that meant. She spelled out she was doing something to one of our friends. My friend John and I were starting to become really skeptical and thought our one friend who was getting something done to him was controlling the viewer. John and I decided to see if Gwen was real. We walked in to another room by ourselves and started to say stuff. After we finished saying a word our friends would yell from the other room what we were saying. We called her all kinds of rude names and everytime they would called out exactly every word we said. We went back in to the other room and started asking her more questions. At this point Gwen spelled out mad. We asked if she was mad at us and she went to yes. Well we just laughed. She spelled mad again. This time she spelled out my name. I said "ok What do you want from me?". She spelled out "Die". I asked if she was going to kill me. She spelled out "I will try". I asked her how. She spelled "car". She also spelled out 2 street names that made and intersection. I just blew it off as a joke. They continued to play while the rest of us played vidoe games and what ever else we wanted to do. About 2 hours later, I was getting tired and decided to go home. I didn't give the Ouija board another thought. It was about 2:00 in the morning when I was riding my bike home. Most of the time the streets of Long Island are pretty well lit up with street lights. But this night, it seemed darker than usual. I started to think about the Ouija. As I was approaching the intersection Gwen had spelled out I started to feel uneasy. I decided to get off my bike and walk. The street light on the corner was out tonight. As i approached that intersection, just as i was about to step into the street a black car raced out of nowhere and ran a stop sign and almost hit me and my bike. Usually in the area at night you would be able to see a cars headlights and hear the engine. But it was like a car just came out of nowhere. It just appeared. I saw no headlights and heard no engine roar. I was so scared that night I ran all the way home. I still get chills everytime I think about that night.

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