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They were inside Honeydukes, and everything smelled of cotton candy. Rose was watching some gummy bears that danced around her plate. Albus was carrying Bubbles as he tried some Pepper Imps, which caused smokes fuming out of his ears. He closed his eyes as Bubble's watched in delight. Scorpius was eating his ultimate favorite, Honeyduke's Best Chocolate! "Want some?" Albus asked Bubble's as he popped a sugar treat inside it's mouth. Scorpius continued watching them until Rose grabbed the treats from his reach. "Too much sugar and Bubbles would be too hyper." She said disapprovingly as Albus frowned, "He didn't eat yet." Albus said, but Rose shook her head. "How would you know? I fed him enough grains that Uncle George told me too." Rose replied smugly, snatching Bubbles out of Albus's reach, but the Pygmy Puff was struggling to get out of Rose's grip and looked as though it wanted to bounce into Albus's arms.

"You know, I really want to check out the Shrieking Shack." Albus said absentmindedly, eating more sweets. Scorpius looked at him incredulously, "Are you kidding? That place is haunted!" He said and shook his head. Albus and Rose gave hollow laugh's much to his inner dismay. Them knowing something that he didn't made him feel the odder one of the three. It was sometimes unfair. Them cousin's, known each other since childhood and has spent more amount of time together. He set this thought aside, however. He wanted to know their thoughts. "The Shrieking Shack is not haunted, and it never was." Rose said briskly. Albus nodded, "Our parents told us a story, my deceased grandfather's deceased best friends, were all animagi, one of them was a werewolf; Teddy's dad. Dumbledore (bless him, such a good man), built the Shrieking Shack so Remus Lupin could attend Hogwarts and transform at the Shack every full moon. Grandfather and his friends all turned animagi so they could join Remus, and the people's complaints of ghosts, Oh that's just Remus's howling's. Dad said Dumbledore encouraged the idea, and it turned silent ever since they graduated." Albus explained. Rose nodded as Scorpius gaped.

"I still don't get why people are scared of the shack, especially students, considering they study in a school full of ghosts, just look at Nick!" Rose exclaimed, cradling Bubbles, who gave up flailing against her and curled up to sleep. "Don't be ridiculous, there are ghosts, like the Bloody Baron, that scares the living daylight out of you. Of course, I'm friendly with him." Scorpius said. Rose thought of this for a while, and nodded. "Still, ghosts can't really harm you." She said. Scorpius shook his hands in front of her face, "Have you ever walked through a ghost? Because I have, and it isn't the best feeling in the world." Scorpius answered grimly. "Considering it's from the Bloody Baron, but I'm definitely not saying I'm scared of him." Scorpius said. He could not. He would not. Rose rolled her eyes. "If you could avoid it then do it!" Rose snapped. "Ever heard of Peeves, Rose? Because that guy is more than annoying, h-he's..." Scorpius was struggling to find the right words to say. "A complete pestering idiot!" He hissed. Rose scoffed. "Don't be ridiculous, he can't be part of this debate because he isn't even a ghost!" Rose exclaimed exasperatedly. Scorpius couldn't believe it. "Then explain how he can be so invisible sometimes, and float through walls and things? Tell me, I'd like to know!" Scorpius challenged.

He knew he was doomed when Rose sat up straighter, stroking Bubbles's fur and smirking, as if the battle has already been won. "Peeve's a poltergeist. Although you'd know that if you've read Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them." Rose said. Scorpius gave out a fake yawn. "You think I don't have anything better to do than read a book on creatures?" He said. Rose sighed. "Well, a poltergeist is something like a ghost, although it can turn solid, and is like a mirror reflection of the people around the school, like mischievousness as Peeves has so much resembled." She explained in dulcet tones. "I know that stuff. Get on with the good part." Scorpius said, leaning on Rose's shoulder. Rose immediately shoved him away and frowned. "That was the good stuff! It means I won our debate! That ghosts are harmless and that Peeves isn't one." She said impatiently. "Well, I really don't think—"

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