"I'm sorry about what happened over at your place, Scorpius." Cedric said warmly at him. Scorpius glared at him. "How would you know what happened back there." He said, rather meanly. Cedric didn't seem to take the tone and replied casually, "Serena told me all about it." Scorpius gasped, but recovered. "Who are you, cozying up to my sister?" He said threateningly. Cedric still looked undisturbed as he replied, "We're best friends." Scorpius scoffed. "Best friends? I know you, Chang. Pretty boy playing pretty girls..." Cedric's face changed as he looked over Scorpius's shoulder, something of shock. Scorpius didn't notice this though and began ranting about how Cedric always gets perfect grades and people liking him all for good looks and how he doesn't even have a good heart. "And you're always the teachers favorite. Always! Especially Flitwick! And you're not even in Ravenclaw! Seriously I–"
"–Scorpius..." Cedric began slowly.
"–Shrieking all the time and tearing up and telling the class how good a student Cedric is, it's infuriating so–"
"–Scorpius..." He repeated.
"–Not even that good. If the professor hadn't squealed of delight, I would've done the charm perfectly too you know. And you know what–"
"–Scorpius look!" Cedric said loudly and more pronounced now, pointing over his shoulder.

Scorpius gave him a deadly glare as he and Albus turned to look. Albus nearly flipped as he saw it. Rose was splayed across the floor her eyes closed, and her arms and legs all in different directions. Scorpius gave a loud gasp. Albus made a run towards their friend and saw her completely knocked out. Scorpius followed right away, and they crouched down over Rose's frame. Scorpius began straightening her arms and legs and fixed her hair while Albus checked for the heart. It was still beating. And calmly too. He heaved a great sigh as he heard the calm beats of her heart, he felt like crying. It took a few more seconds before the whole school began looking at the commotion, and others gave resounding gasps. The Weasley clan marched right through the crowd and crouched down beside Albus, pushing Scorpius roughly aside at the side of their cousin's lifeless frame. "Is she alright? Albus, is she hurt?" Roxanne asked impatiently. Albus nodded. "Theres a heartbeat. And a pulse. She's fine." He assured them, but the rest weren't. James looked extremely disgruntled as he studied Rose. Dominique and Lily gave out dry sobs as Lucy tried to shake her awake. "Where's Fred?" Albus asked, scanning the crowd. "He, Hugo and Louis has gone to fetch Slughorn and McGonagall." James said. And instantly, the two professor's turned up, telling the crowd to go back to their usual business and that they had it all under control.

The two professor's eyes widened at the sight of Rose on the floor. Professor McGonagall kneeled onto her side and began running her hands through her chest and hands, undoubtedly checking for signs of life. She sighed as she felt the pulse. "What's wrong, Minerva?" Slughorn asked. "She's alive." She said in great relief. "Professor our cousin is not waking up. What's wrong with her? Will she be alright?" Lucy bombarded her with questions. "She will, Miss Weasley. Until we know what done it, we cannot find a cure." She said shakily. Albus felt his stomach drop. But they had to! They can't leave Rose like this! He felt his blood boiling and tears filling his eyes at the sight of his long-time bestfriend, laying there unconscious. "She was 'ere! Maybe she drank zis." Dominique said, holding out a goblet where Rose sat. "Horace..." Minerva said hopefully and Dominique handed it to Slughorn, who sniffed the drink. "It must have been spiked with poison!" Lily said exasperatedly, tears falling down her eyes. Albus made to comfort his little sister, who broke down completely. "Couldn't've been. She's breathing." Professor McGonagall said, though she sounded unsure herself. They all turned to Slughorn. Hopeful for answers. "Simply pumpkin juice." He said calmly. "But wait." He said sniffing it and shaking the cup steadily. He took a sniff again. Once he looked upon them, he had a grim expression on his face. "What is it Horace?" McGonagall asked cautiously. Slughorn hesitated, but answered slowly, "Draught Of Living Death."

They all gasped. "So the girl is simply... Sleeping?" McGonagall asked. Slughorn gave a curt nod. "But Horace, don't you have an antidote ready?" McGonagall asked him. Slughorn looked down. "Afraid not." He said. They all gaped at him. "Professor, our cousin is lifeless. Please save our cousin. Couldn't you whip something up?" James begged. It was the only time Albus ever saw his brother looking so weak. He was usually so strong, so confident, so... sure. Maybe family had an impact in his heart too. Slughorn nodded. "I could. But one of the crucial ingredients can only be found on a full moon. And it's not until tomorrow night." He said, full of sorrow. They all groaned. "It was her." They heard a voice say. All heads turned round and saw Scorpius in a corner, his grey eyes sharp rimmed with red. Tear tracks on his face. Albus never saw him cry. It was something you don't see everyday. What a morning!

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