"Why the rush? Are you going somewhere?" He could almost imagine the woman standing there with her hands on her hips, demanding an explanation with one looming stare.

"Yeah. Got a date."

During their conversation, he picked out his favourite red-checkered shirt, black trousers, a leather jacket and some beat up black sneakers; perfect, John thought as he began to hurriedly pull them on. He lathered on plenty of deodorant as well, since he hadn't the chance to have a shower and he didn't exactly smell all too fresh at that moment, and after dressing - he darted out his door to get to the bathroom.

"With who? That Amelia girl again?" Mimi was standing at the top of the stairs, carrying a cup that she was drying with a tea towel, watching her nephew flit past her.

"No," He stood in front of the mirror, too caught up in combing his hair back and streaking Vaseline along the sides to really talk, willing the auburn locks to do as requested and transform into a (somewhat) acceptable teddy boy quiff. After a few seconds of trying to perfect the curls on top, he deemed it good enough and ran from the bathroom. He looked up at the clock on the wall; 4:40. I better hurry up.

"Be back by dinner!" Mimi called after him as he slid past, reaching into Mimi's purse on the drawers in the front hallway to steal a couple of pounds and a cigarette packet lying next to it before throwing the door open. "I- John Winston Lennon!" She screeched when he saw him snatch the money, storming across the hall to reach him.

"I'll pay you back! Bye!"

He sent a sheepish grin her way before slamming the door after him.

So as not to be caught and murdered by his aunt, he booked it out the front garden and down the street, checking the piece of paper with Cynthia's address scribbled on it; "Hoylake.." He muttered to himself. John hoped to god that the girl wouldn't be too mad that he was late - it wasn't his fault, exactly, because he had detention and was stuck at school. Well, it was his fault, technically, since he landed himself the detention.. but you get my point. But he hoped they'd still be able to go on the date. From what he'd seen of Cynthia, she seemed to be the forgiving type. He didn't know whether that was bad or good.

Eventually he reached the house, and he stared at it, out of breath. Looking down, he checked himself out for the last time in a puddle at his feet (it was still wet, but it had stopped raining back when he was in detention. The clouds were still dark and ominous so he figured it would rain again soon). Holding his fidgeting hands behind his back, he stepped up to the front door and knocked firmly. Dead silence followed for several seconds, and he felt the anxiety rise in his chest with each passing moment, worried that she would see him from the window and not open the door at all. He scuffed his foot against the wet concrete, hoping that it would at least be Cynthia opening the door and not her father or something. A cold shiver ran down his spine thinking of her dad answering instead.

"Hel- oh," The door opened up, and - thank christ - it was Cynthia. She looked a bit miffed and she crossed her arms as she gazed at John, obviously demanding an explanation. "John.""Hi Cyn," he started, feeling guilt wrack his bones for being so late. "I'm really sorry fer bein' late. But I had detention an' I couldn't get out 'til now." He smiled apologetically and held out a hand, tilting his head in question. "Forgive me?"

The Less I Know The Better [complete]Where stories live. Discover now