Chapter Four: Rose is blood.

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Violet POV

I laid down on my bed, touchs my lips. I can't believe Xavier kisses me like that?! But I feeling safe and warm by Xavier.

I noticed Xavier is so differently form other men.

I soft smile and cuddle myself, until falls asleep on my bed.

Next day

Xavier POV
I didn't get enough sleep since last night. I sit sofa in couch, I staring at mail, I heard footsteps.

I took glaring over at the empty hallway. I thinking myself.

"You weakness! I can't take care of you. If you only died in your mission!"

"I am sorry Uncle! Please don't kick me out! I need doing this job! I need make batsrad pay!"

"Too bad! You vety weakness Xavier! Never come borthes to me your shit begging!"

I tapped my things, no choice, gradded the mail, open it then start read it.

"Dear Xavier, I heard news about you, how badass to you? Huh? I plan visit to you and your dear friends. I hope you are ready see me,
Uncle Jack."

I destory mail with my one hand, I heard chatty then footsteps.

"Morning Xavier!" Molly said look like in good mood.

I don't answer back to her. "My uncle Jack coming visit today or tonight." I said and staring at the window.

"What?! You can't fuck seriously?! You almost died?! We can't loss you Xavier!" Seth said.

I kicked table flipped, "Shut up! I knew my fathrr tried kill me not now right. I fucking snapped his neck, peace fot him in hell!" I yelled at them.

"Xavier.. Please calm down." Molly said.

"Fuck off!" I snapped at Molly, then walking left.

Seth POV

I shooked first time for Xavier like that, I look at Molly started crying. I know Molly and Xavier like act as sister and brother.

I pulled her into my warm arms. "It's okay baby," I whisper to her and kisses Molly's forehead.

But I angry with Xavier not need yelled at Molly like that. Molly always hate get yelled like that.

That's why I have protect Molly.. Of course I love her so much!

Violet POV


glad it's Saturday today, I had stay home spend with my sweet cat, and enjoy time read my favorite book called "To kill a mockingbird" is my favorite book all time!

I sit down and read 6 chapter of book. I heard the door knocked, I look up at door then off the couch, walking to door then open door.

I gasped bit louder, saw Xavier look pretty upset, I dragging him into my home. He's wet, must walking during the rain. I hurried into the bathroom,

I back rushing to Xavier, put towel on his head, "Take off your clothes, you must ge-" I tried talking. But cut out Xavier pulled me and kisses me move side to side.

I patting his chest, I panting and look at Xavier. "I just want see you Violet." Xavier whsiper to me. I still look his eyes so beautiful..

"Before, I must gone." He said, I confuse. "What?" I said and look at Xavier.

"I want see your face last time, Maybe." He whisper and pushed me into thr couch. I watched Xavier stood up and walking to the door.

I quciked stood up and gradded his arm. "You can't leaving! I do need you!" I cried, Xavier shook his head. "I so sorry sweetie." He said and touch my cheek.

I very upset and angry, I slaps his cheek. "Fuck you! Fuccck you Xavier!" I shouting at Xavier.

Xavier pushed me into the wall, "I know!" He yelled at me then left. I gasped and look down.

Xavier POV

I don't mean hurt to Violet like that.. But I just want protect to her. I must die or alive. While I have a deal shit my uncle Jack.

Late night..
I walking to park, always empty, silent and silent.

I walking to my uncle Jack and his mem who works for my uncle Jack.

"Hello Xavier" he greeted.
I showed my middle finger to him.

"You must not change lot Xavier, huh?"

I took glaring at my uncle Jack. "What you want form me?" I growing at my uncle Jack.

"Not why I can't allow see my nephew Xavier or I could say cold killer my dear brother.." Jack said.

"Yeah! I glad he went to the hell begin to him!" I said to Jack, with my grin.

Jack look at me like that. "I could go now?" I said and starting walking away.

But.. Shudding louder guns lot.

Violet POV

I heard my phone rings form Xavier. I quciked gradded my phone, I quciked answer it.

But I realized it's not Xavier's voice. Only Seth's voice. Seth told me about Xavier want see me now right. I nods then quciked hang up.

I quciked get dress up then rushing left form my home. I drove off to Xavier's house.

I rushing inside without knocked, I saw Molly bring bowl water of blood. I gasped and Seth walking to me, "Xavier in his bedroom."

I running to the bedroom, I saw Xavier sit down on bed, bandage wrapped his chest. I running front of Xavier.

I kneels front of Xavier, I feeeling hurt see Xavier hurts like that..


Poor Xavier.. You would find out about him everything next chaper!

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