Comfortable <2>

19 1 0

{Author's Note: There will most likely be mistakes. It's past midnight and I can't see the keyboard, nor is my brain functioning enough to consider my grammar.}


Baekhyun combed his hair neatly as he and Chanyeol walk side by side to the auditorium. Chanyeol finds himself smiling as he looks over at Baekhyun, who was trying to fix his mess settled on top of his head. It was slightly adorable. Just the tiniest bit.

Other people also walked out of their dorms. The bell had signaled the day had begun, and the first thing that was on their schedule was a whole school introduction in the auditorium. Sadly, the auditorium was closer to the girl's dorms so the males had to walk more. Chanyeol didn't mind though. For some reason, he felt quite modest and comfortable next to Baekhyun, especially as they walked through the glass hallway.

The glass hallway was quite bright, with an abundant amount of sunlight streaming in from the walls. Little shadows of the support frames on the wall cast a grid on the floor, activating Baekhyun's childish side. Baekhyun began tiptoeing in every square, making sure he didn't touch any of the shadows. It was basically like when children tried to avoid cracks on the floor, or they would break their mother's back. This sight made Chanyeol smile. His roommate seemed so adorable and precious, almost like a child. Maybe his roommate really was a child on the inside.

Chanyeol couldn't resist the temptation. He also went on his tippy toes and walked in every little square, carefully evading the shadow lines. He had big feet, but the window frames definitely did not lack in size when compared to Chanyeol's feet. They had done this the whole time while they were walking down the glass hallway, not giving a care about the other onlookers. It was strange. Usually, Chanyeol or Baekhyun would've noticed and stopped, but for some reason, they didn't feel like they needed to. For some strange reason, they felt like it was only them in the hall, even though they had literally just met. It was almost as if they had known each other for a while now, that they know everything about each other. Chanyeol disregarded this and simply thought it was his social skills. Baekhyun, on the other hand, pondered this subject as they continued walking normally to the auditorium, as sadly the glass hallway had come to an end.

The auditorium definitely did not disappoint. It seemed like a huge grand music hall, with a large red carpet alley in the middle. Each seat was covered with a gentle velvet cloth, and each row was marked with a fancy encrypted letter embedded in a gold plate at the end of each end seat. When Baekhyun and Chanyeol approached the entrance of the auditorium, their eyes sparkled as they saw the amazing stage. It really seemed like a full-on theatre, a definite classical touch to it.

Unaware of where to sit, Baekhyun and Chanyeol take a seat in the front row. The seats were quite comfortable. Baekhyun had always wished of going up on a grand stage like the one presented before him. He always had the dream of showing people who he really is. Of course, he never had the opportunity until now. Now, Baekhyun was buzzing with happiness. He finally had the option, and he sure wouldn't mind performing in front of his roo- wait... it's too soon for that.

Chanyeol was also happy. He loved composing music, singing, playing instruments, and the stage made him think of it, it reminded him of his passion. He was also glowing with happiness. Heol, the whole front row was oozing with happiness. I mean sure, the front row was filled with only music lovers, but it adds to the effect.

After the auditorium had filled up with people, the curtains were drawn and in the middle of the large stage was a microphone plugged into a stand. This made the auditoriums volume die down as the students watched in anticipation. A couple of empty footsteps echoed throughout the auditorium until a man entered from behind the curtains. He looked slightly tanned, and his hair was black, although he seemed around the age of 60. He tapped the microphone gently with frail hands and cleared his throat. All attention went towards the man on stage.

In steady Korean, the man spoke. "Welcome new students. I'd like to welcome you all to the new university that has just opened up. Welcome to SM University! I am your principal, Mr. Lee Soo Man, it is wonderful to meet all of you."

Mr. Lee Soo Man continued speaking with confidence, his voice not hindering one bit. In his eyes were determination and hope as he spoke about the future of every single one of the students in the university. Both Chanyeol and Baekhyun were hooked, anticipating every single word the principal was going to say. Heol, at least 3 hours passed, and yet Chanyeol and Baekhyun are still as dased as ever. They truly enjoyed the speech, when Lee Soo Man took a bow and fixed his posture. His speech discussed guidelines, rules, expectations, punishments, and what not, but it all had a special meaning to it, and it somehow left every student hooked. Still, Mr. Lee Soo Man was given a standing ovation as he bowed once again and left the stage. A speaker over the announcements then came on. "Please take this time to communicate with others, get to know each other. Keep the volume at a minimum though," the female voice over the announcements spoke before the announcement ended, and chatter began to initiate. Chanyeol and Baekhyun turned around and looked at each other shrugging.

"Ah, I guess we haven't introduced ourselves yet," Chanyeol states, rubbing the back of his neck before looking at Baekhyun with kind eyes. "My name is Park Chanyeol, although you can call me whatever."

Baekhyun nods, a gentle smile on his face. "Nice to meet you Chanyeol, my name is Byun Baekhyun. You can also call me by whatever nickname, I don't care."

Chanyeol nods. Baekhyun, what a cute name for such a cute human- Chanyeol interrupted his own thoughts, confused about his own thinking.

'Chanyeol, stop doing this! You just met, and you could've sworn you were straight anywa- no. There is no way you just thought you were interested i-' Chanyeol's thoughts were debating against each other. It left him in a mental wreck but made sure he looked fine from the outside as he responded, "Ah, nice to meet you then... Bae...kkie?" Baekkie. Sounded appropriate for someone as adorable as Baekhyun. Chanyeol mentally facepalmed again, he can't stop calling the boy in front of him cute, can he?

Hearing the nickname made Baekhyun smile. He liked the nickname, slightly clever as well. Baekhyun readjusts on his seat to get more comfortable. Looking at Chanyeol, he wishes to be nowhere else, as where he was right now was where he wanted to be for the rest of his life. he was so god damn comfortable, it was slightly concerning. He can't tell what it is, but something in Chanyeol's eyes... it gives him a warmth that is not supposed to be there.

Chanyeol feels himself settle down as well. The university is actually a great place, and Chanyeol's heavily grateful for having Baekhyun as a roommate and getting into a good school. He couldn't help it but smile in front of Baekhyun. Whatever was up with Baekhyun, Chanyeol didn't want it to end. His eyes were a galaxy of its own, and although Chanyeol refuses to call this love at first sight- or love in general- Chanyeol still enjoys the galaxy.

It's just Chanyeol and Baekhyun, no one else. That's what they see, and that's what they want.

That's not how it goes.

Yifan, lead me to the galaxy!

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