Chapter 1: The Unusual Shift

Start from the beginning

"Yo Constable Maguire, I've been looking everywhere for you." Came a female voice that had the twang of an angel and the tone of authority.

I turned around and noticed a sleek woman dressed in her LAPD uniform looking sharp and crisp. She had long blonde hair and piercing green eyes and a friendly smile that would make your heart stop like an electric shock passing through it.

She gave me a salute. I saluted back. She offered a hand shake which I gladly accepted. "First Officer Christie Dolton, just been transferred from Dallas, I've been assigned to you as your new partner." She said.

"Nice to meet you Christie, I'm looking forward to be working with you." I think I'm sounding too cheesy.

"As am I, I'm willing to learn the new ways of being a cop in LA." She said.

"You have much to learn, I'll teach you a few tricks." I said.

"Sounds good to me." She said.

"Well let's get to it, shall we?" I said as I started heading for the car-park door.

"What're we on tonight?" She asked.

"Highway Patrol and residential." I replied.

"Ah, I always like the high-life." She said.

We arrived at the door, I tapped my key-card and the door unlocked as I pushed it opened we made our way to our police cruiser we were assigned to.

"Good old Unit 098 treated me well for my ten years on the force." I said as I patted the roof of the vehicle as we arrived at the driver's side door.

"Ten years eh?" she said opening the passenger door.

"Ten years of knowing how not to get shot." I said.

She laughed. "Isn't that every officer's priority number one?" She asked getting in.

"It would seem so." I replied getting in and shutting the door.

I clipped my seatbelt on and grabbed the mic. "Dispatch, Unit Ninety Eight, hard copy?" I said into it.

"Loud and clear, Unit Ninety Eight." Came the voice.

"How's suspension going John?" I asked John our dispatch, plus he is on a two week suspension for placing his firearm on a counter at a Cafe and went to a toilet break and came back to see a little kid playing with his loaded gun.

"Shut it, Maguire, it's not my fault that I placed my gun on the counter and forgot to holster it and to find out a kid was playing with it, that kid should of known better not to play with a gun or even touch one." He replied.

"Yeah yeah, excuses, excuses. You should of just gave the kid your badge and let him take your job." I said.

"You funny fuck, Chris." He laughed.

"See if you can play a good song for me, John, since you're dispatch." Said Christie.

"Christie says for you to play a good song for her, loud and clear as you're dispatch." I said into the mic, I clicked off the button.

"Yeah, I'll play Money For Nothing, Dire Straits, today I'll be your host on 193.5FM Police Music Radio One." He said in a radio host kind of tone.

I and Christie just cracked up laughing.

"You funny shit, John, you know how to make us laugh." I said.

"Have fun with your shift, you two." Came his voice.

"Will do, we'll radio in if anything gets shit out of luck." I said.

"10-4." He said.

I turned the ignition key, the V8 rumbled to life, I drove out of the dedicated parking lane between other police cruisers and drove to the steel security gate.

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