Chapter 1: The Unusual Shift

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I walked into the stations men's locker room and headed towards my locker, dressed in my civilian clothing, a pair of jeans with a cotton t-shirt with The Fast And Furious imprinted on it, as dark faded Rey Bans covered my eyes, I took them off and stashed them in their case and stored it in my locker.

I opened my locker and threw my back-pack in it, I reached for my uniform a black cotton t-shirt with the LAPD's emblems on the shoulders with black nylon work pants. I placed my civilian car-keys on a hook inside my locker.

Mac walked on in, humming the tune of Dumb Things by Paul Kelly to himself as he strolled to his locker.

"Howdy, Chris, ready for some action today?" he asked as he opened his locker taking out his uniform.

"Fuckin' hope so, this week has just been nothing but dealing with drunken people and teenagers having cannabis on them, I arrested ten so far this week for illegal possession of drugs, I wish they would fucking grow up." I replied.

He glanced at me as he slid on his nylon work pants.

"Couldn't agree more, little shits, they should quit doing drugs, get an education and a job. God if I was their parents I would teach them a lesson." He said.

He noticed my shirt. "You watch that shit?" he asked.

I looked down at my shirt. "The Fast And Furious is not shit." I said.

"Ah yeah huh, it's crap." He said pulling on his shirt. "Hooligans in hotted up muscle cars, pulling stuns and heists, give me a break, if that such thing happened for real here in LA I would be on them like a sack of shit hitting the ground. Any way we live in the real world."

"You gotta at least like one of them, Mac?" I said putting my shirt on and tucking it in.

"Number five is my favourite, I'll have to admit. Plus I like Vin Diesel he is a great actor." He said putting on his tools belt, picking up his 9mm Glock 19, pulled the slide and slid it into his holster.

I pointed my finger at him and gave a click. "That's the way, number five is one of my fav's," I said.

He finished up by putting his radio on and clipping the mic to his chest. He strolled past me giving me a light punch to the back. "See you round big fella." He said.

He stopped in his tracks. "Oh, Chris, Christie is looking for you." He mentioned.

"Didn't you just tell her I'm in the locker room's getting ready?" I asked.

He made a frown and a motion with his head. "You know whata mean."

"Oh," I said. I mouthed the words, "You reckon she has the hots for me?"

He laughed and shrugged his shoulders then stuck his finger at me; I returned the favour as well.

He was about to exit the locker rooms. "Hey Mac," I called out to him; he stopped and looked at me.

"Yeah?" he said.

"In the middle, in the middle, in the middle of a dream." I sang as I pointed my fingers at him.

"I lost my shirt, I pawned my rings, I've done all the dumb things." He replied singing then gave a laugh.

"Great you got that song stuck in my head." I said as he walked out humming the tune to it.

I finished up by picking up my 9mm Glock 19, grabbing a fresh magazine sliding it up the handle and pulling the slide and then holstering it.

I was about to walk out of the lockers, until I realized I forgot my radio.

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