A Day In The Life Of Levi

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I've been going to the same tea shop where the woman that I met at the park went. The black tea that the tea shop brew had something special that I couldn't figured out. I wanted to know what it was so I kept coming every day to find out what it was. The first time I tried it, was when I met for the second time the woman and her son.

Black teas are not sweet, but for some reason it tasted sweet when I saw her again and made small conversation. Though the flavor didn't last when one of the employees came and was conversing with her. I couldn't get her name that morning since I was going to be late for work, but I did afterwards that same day.


The Tea I buy and brew at my office its okay, I like it, but not as much as the one from the tea shop.

What I do at work it's only paperwork with cases of lost children, rape, robberies, and more. It's not easy to dwelt with all of this cases, so I do some research of my own. Research that most policemen from the station can get in two months when I can in a week or less depending on the case.

Right now Im investigating a case of a robbery that took place in one of the jewelry stores owned by Mr. Richards. A crazy rich guy who is now the CEO of his parents company.

The robbery happened at 2:37 a.m, and from what I can see in this case is that the rats where not to smart about their plan.

They didn't left a finger print anywhere or activate an alarm because a hacker was able to put them on silent while the rats went in. The cameras where off as well but I found out that the store had hidden audio recorders for the reason that if the cameras were off the audio could probably catch some of the things the robbers were saying about their plan.

So I asked for the audios and today Im going to examine them.


After 3 hours of checking every audio, I got to figured out why they were doing it and where they were heading to.

I got up from my chair and called my most trusted and more capable men to help me with this case, since the other policemen had other cases to work with.

"Petra, Oluo, Gunther, Eld, report to my office now!"

I called for them and went back to my desk to sip on my black tea that's flavor was not the same of the tea shop but tried to pretend it was.

My trusted men came in, and told them the details and the task they were to help me to investigate

After them receiving all the details and their task I decided to give Erwin a call in regards to today's meeting.

I dialed his private number and he answered after a couple of seconds.

E- "oh hey Levi!"

L- "Hello Erwin"

E- "what's the matter?"

L-"I'm calling you to confirm our meeting today"

E- "meeting? Oh yeah right, sorry I forgot"

L- "You, forgot?"

E- " Sorry, Levi. Though Im still available for our meeting I actually want to tell you something that I need your opinion on"

L-" And that is...?"

E- "Let's meet at the time we agreed on"

L- "Alright"

I hanged up the phone and it was 4 o'clock, Erwin told me to be there at 6 since he comes from work at 5 in the afternoon.

I guess I'll leave in 30 more minutes.

"Levi!", I heard my trusted men calling for my attention as they came walking through the door.

"What is it?", I responded with all seriousness as always.

"We know where the rats are!", Oluo said copying the nickname that I use for those miserable trashy brats.

"And what are you waiting for? GO GET THEM!", I commanded and they went rushing out the door.

"Um Levi, won't you be coming as well?" Petra said as she was standing at the door with curiosity on her face.

"No, I have an important meeting in a couple of hours", i said

"Alright sir!", she saluted and left.

It was now 4:15 pm and i decided to leave since it seems like this case is going to end soon.

I got into my car and drove to Erwin's household.


I arrived and Erwin's butler greeted me and took me to his office.

The butler announced my name and I heard Erwin command him for me to enter his huge office room with big windows on the back of him.

"Levi, Im glad you made it, I have a lot to tell you. Please sit down." Erwin motioned for me to sit down at the chair across of him.

I sat down and began to say, "What's so important that you want my opinion on Erwin?"

"Levi, I think Im in love", Erwin showed a smile that I haven't seen for years after he got divorced.

"You are asking an opinion from the wrong person. You know I'm not good with those kind of feelings", I said

"Can I at least tell you who it is", Erwin said.

"Who is it?", I asked as he wanted to tell me with all his might who it was.

"Her name is y/n, she is my son's tutor. She has a son, her husband died a couple of months ago and since the first time I saw her, I fell in love with her even though at that time she was married. But when I got the notice that her husband died, I wanted to comfort her but wasn't able to since I knew it was wrong for me to take advantage of the situation. She stopped working for a while and now she has returned. Right now she is with my son."Erwin finished telling his story

"So what do you want my opinion on?" I said and waited for his response until he finally said "I want her and her son to live with us, since her monthly salary doesn't cover all of her expenses. I want to help her but do you think she will accept my help?" Is this really the Erwin that I know?

"I don't know how you want my opinion on this when the one to say is that woman you are so in love with"

"Mr. Smith, Miss Y/N is requesting to talk to you", the butler said

"Is she? Tell her to come please", Erwin said to the butler as the butler made his way to get the woman.

"I wonder what she wants to talk to me about? I guess you'll get to meet her today Levi." Erwin looked at me with another of his happy weird smiles.

I'm guessing that loving someone puts a smile on someones face and makes him/her look like an idiot.

A knock on the door broken my thoughts and focused my view towards Erwin who order them to come inside.

The doors to the office opened slowly revealing a women with H/C and L/H hair. Wearing a striped shirt with jeans and sandals which I thought she looked good on.

It was the same woman from this morning.

The woman that I thought was Married.

The woman who Erwin is in love with.

The woman that I keep seeing

The woman who has a son

And the woman who might as well steal my heart.

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