A Day in The Life of Eren

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[Author's POV]

Hello to all the MC'S out there in the whole planet! If you are reading this is probably because you are interested in knowing about what Eren does in a normal day. Don't get too excited though cause basically he just stays home playing video games, eat, sleep, eat again, go to the bathroom, play video games again, visit the neighbor next door to play video games once again and lastly sleep. He still acts like a 17 year old. I'm sorry to disappoint you all, but ever since Eren got one year of vacation, all he wanted was to stay home and rest. Until he got to see you again at his party. He's being wanting to meet with you and your child to go out to places and get to know you and Arian better, but he thought you would probably say you were busy. Which is true, cause being a single mother isn't easy at all, so he told me that he will break from his routine and do something special for all of you. Eren is going to get out of the cave and walk around Trost with his two friends. Aarmin and Mikasa. Enjoy everyone!

[Eren's POV]

It's Monday, April first, and the first thing I do is take a shower and head down stairs to eat breakfast. I do have my own apartment which the Army pays for, but I preferred to stay with my parents because I missed them so much, and right now I know they need me more than anything.

After I was done with breakfast I told mom that I was going out and called Armin and Mikasa to join me.

E---"Hey Armin, are you busy today?"

A---"Oh Eren! No, I'm not busy why?"

E-"Do you want to go to downtown?"

A- "Sure sounds great at what time?"

E- "Now, I'll go pick you up, I'll ask Mikasa as well"

A- "Oh, alright then see you then"

Armin hung up and I dial Mikasa's number which she picked up quick

M-"Eren, what's wrong?",

E- "Chill Mikasa, nothing's wrong, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to join me and Armin. We're going to downtown"

M- "I'll join"

E- "Alright then, I'll pick you up after I pick up Armin"

M- "Okay, bye"

She hung up, and I went into my car to start driving to Armin's apartment.

Armin is living in the Apartments that the army pays and Mikasa is staying for the moment with Christa and Ymir. I think they invited her to a sleepover after we left the park on Sunday.

The Park, I had an amazing time yesterday. What caught me off-guard was when Y/N called me John, and she forgot about me for a moment. That's when I knew that all this time she just wanted her husband back and not fall in love with someone else. Me for example. It's weird I know. We should probably stay friends nothing more. If she gets to find someone else I might even regret it. Yeah, I guess I do love Y/N and her son.

But again, I'll be gone to the military next year, and no one will take care of her, she would be alone again. I'll just be doing the same thing my brother did. He left her alone with a child she now must take care of by herself. With no one helping her around.

I had arrived outside of Armin's apartment and decided to text him that I was already outside. he texted back that he was on his way. What should we do today?

While I waited I called Y/N, but she didn't answer. Could she still be sleeping? It wasn't that early anymore. I'll call her later, I guess. I don't even know what I was going to tell her.

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