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| Chapter Seventy Four |



-9:32 am-

I have seven questions left

Good morning to you too

You have to answer

Yeah I slept well and you

Why do you hate yourself so much


You have to answer

It's too early for this...

Answer me

You're not gonna let this go, will

I just wanna understand you

I like you

I like waking up to your messages

I like falling asleep while we're texting in the middle of the night

I want nothing more than to meet you

So can I please know why the person who makes my day hates herself so much

Jeon it's nothing


Annoying shit

Tell me that annoying shit


It's just that I don't like me

I'm nothing what people consider pretty, nice or beautiful

And I know it's stupid

You don't have to tell me

I know I shouldn't listen to what people say

I know I shouldn't give a damn about others' opinions

I should know that everyone is beautiful in their own special way

I know I should love myself

I know all of that shit

So no thanks, you don't need to teach me, show me or open my eyes or shit like that

I know that I should love myself but it's damn hard, okay?

It's hard to love your looks when they're not what society requieres

It's hard to love your personality when it's not what people want

It's easy to tell others to love themselves

But there are barely people who I believe truly love themselves

Do you love yourself jeon?


How did this turn against me

Yeah I like myself I guess

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