Chapter 7 - Change

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Obviously, something needed to be done. We couldn't just leave the body of one of the most notorious villains in our world in the middle of the woods.
What if she isn't dead, and can somehow break free of whatever the magical bonds holding her are?
What if she is dead, and some poor soul comes across her decayed corpse?
Can't have that.

Our choice in what to do with her could be seen as many different things.
It could prove our guilt - yet also make us look like complete psychopaths.
Yet the actual reason? I didn't have one. There was no plausible reason for the four of us carrying the body of Cruella Deville through Auradon Woods.

We have been taking shifts. Right now? It's me and Jay. Evie and Carlos were slightly ahead, talking in frantic whispers, yet there was an air of relief in their aura, without a doubt linked to the latest horror in our life being overcome.
This didn't stop Dog Boy from glancing back worriedly every now and then though.


Walking is boring.

We have been walking for... I don't even know how long.

But, there was hope for us yet. The sparse woods around us began to thin. Light streamed through the canopies, and I could just about make out a tall wall; large slabs of grey stone piled on top of each other, creating a way to block out unwanted visitors.
Like us.

We gently layed Cruella's body onto the cracked ground (read: Dumped it down) and slowly paced forward.

I don't know which of Auradon's towns we are currently in. It could be any of them.
Charmington, Camelot heights or even the familiar Cinderellasville.
(In case you are wondering, I did go back and look at what I called the town near the beginning of Framed, and checked out the beginning of the original movie to see what others there were.)

We found a small cupboard, filled with stuff that looked important.
Now it's filled with stuff that looks important and Cruella, leaving us free to explore a bit and figure out where exactly we are.

It's definitely one of the towns. I can see multiple towers, made of the same grey stone, jutting over the wall. No little building in Auradon looks like this.

Jay and I, being the climbers in our little squad, quickly scaled the wall. It was an easy climb - the wall was like a gold mine of handholds and notches for us to grab.

Crouched atop this wall, which seemed much higher when we were on the floor, we can see absolutely everything.

This is definitely Cinderellasville. I remember certain things from when I spent time here as Holly Hook.
My eyes skimmed the houses, the people, the market - I could almost see my mother, standing there in all her glory, swirling in a hurricane of neon green flames.

I blinked, then glanced at Jay. His confused expression told me that he did not recognise the location like I did. He noticed my staring, and caught my eye.

"What?" He asked. His voice was hoarse, like mine probably was, due to the lack of talking we have done in the last few hours. And the dehydration, of course.

I rolled my eyes. "We're in Cinderellasville."
See? Scratchy as Beelzebub, Carlos' cat.

"Oh," said Jay smartly. He spun on his heels and dropped back down to where E and Carlos were waiting.

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