Starting Fresh

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Amy's POV

I woke up in a room which was unfamiliar I looked around and finally realised it was Leos and laid my head back on the pillow. Leondre walked in shirtless from the bath room, he had a toothbrush in his mouth and messy hair he must have only just woke up. I sat up and stretched and he noticed I was awake. 'Morning baby girl how did you sleep'

'Fine your bed is so comfy!'

'You did fall asleep downstairs but I brought you up because you didn't look comfortable'

'Thanks babe where is everyone?'

'Harvey,joey and Charlie are playing xbox downstairs everyone else went home'

'Went home? what time is it?'

'10am your a lazy girl! I only just woke up though'

'Sorry I woke up late'

'Why are you sorry? I don't mind you sleeping!'

'Leo I need to get dressed are we going anywhere?'

'Well its nice and hot outside we should go to the park'

'The park thats a bit lame'

Leo started laughing.

'I know we should go to a water park!'

'Yeah i've not got a swimming costume though?'

'We will go shopping today and the water park tomorrow!'

'Okay thank you i'll get ready now'

I got up of the bed and hugged Leo as he left the room. I put on my denim shorts my Nutella crop top and black sandals. I put my hair in a messy bun and put on some lipgloss and mascara. I went out Leo's room and went down stairs. The boys was sat down and playing call of duty.

'You idiot your shooting the wrong way! Shouted Charlie

'Oh come on I could beat you all at this game!' I said. I walked to the sofa and sat in between Leo and Harvey. 'You look beautiful Amy! He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my forehead. He carried on playing call of duty and I started pressing all the buttons on the joy pad to wind him up. 'Amy stop i'll die' he said whilst laughing. I carried on and he started tickling me. I was laughing so hard I hate being tickled but it was funny. I slapped Leo's arm and he chased me up the stairs and chased me into his room I dived on his bed and hide under the blankets. 'You got away with it this time Amy but only because your cute' he come under the blankets with me and hugged me. 'I love you Amy' I love you more'. 'Boys is it alright if we go shopping today' asked Leo to Harvey and Charlie. 'Shopping are you mad? Why are we going shopping?' Said Harvey looking confused. 'Amy needs some stuff'. 'Leo I completely forgot I didn't bring much money! I will have to get some from home' 'babe I will pay' 'No I can't let you will you drive me home please to get money' 'yeah sure'

Leo headed up stairs and got ready we got some pop tarts to eat on the way and we left in the car. 'I'm so glad your staying the weekend I get to see your gorgeous face again and again!' 'Aw, I'm glad I'm staying to I love your warm hugs!' I didn't live that far away from Leondre so we was there very soon. I got out the car and walked up to the front door nobody answered so I got my keys out and opened it I can't believe what I walked into...

My mum was hitting my 14 year old sister across the face repeatedly! I ran over and pushed my mum back against the counter as she hit her back and fell to the floor. 'MUM WHAT WAS YOU DOING?!' She didn't answer. 'Charlotte why was she hitting you!' 'I didn't do shat she told me to and she just hit me' Charlotte burst in to tears and ran up to me and hugged me. My mum hit me a couple of times but never this bad I felt so sorry for Charlotte my mum is a complete idiot! 'Charlotte grab your stuff we are going' 'but we have no where to go' 'It's not a complete yes but I have an idea where we can go your not staying here!' We packed a suitcase each and a couple of bags I grabbed my purse and keys and headed to the door. 'MUM I DON'T WHAT YOU WERE THINKING BUT WE ARE LEAVING!' I walked out the door and slammed it behind me. 'It will be ok Charlotte I promise. We walked to the car and put our stuff in the back seats. I sat in the front and Charlotte sat in the back. 'Amy how much stuff did you bring?' Asked Leo. I couldn't help it I stared at Leondre and burst into tears this was all to much for me 'Baby whats wrong?!' Asked Leo. 'It's my mum' 'what did she do? did she say something to upset you?' 'No I walked in the house and she was hitting Charlotte really hard across the face' Leo turned round and looked at charlotte 'I can tell she hit her hard she has bruises on her face are you ok Charlotte?' She replied with a short yes and looked at her shoes. 'I can't believe she did that! No one hurts my girlfriend or my girlfriends sister!' 'Leo could I ask you a favour... We have no where to go so could we stay with you?' 'Of course you can princess you stay as long as you want you can share rooms with me Amy if thats alright and Charlotte you can have the guest bedroom' He smiled and looked at Charlotte. 'Thank you so much Leo can we get leave now I don't want to look at that house again!' With that he reversed and drove back to his house the ride home was mostly silent as well because we was all shocked of what had just gone on.

We finally got to Leo's and he pulled up on the drive he helped me take in my bags and he carried them up stairs. 'Charlotte this is your room unpack all your stuff and sort everything out make yourself feel at home. Luckily all the bedrooms have en suits so put your stuff in there as well' Said Leo. 'Thank you for bringing me here I felt so scared with my mum' said Charlotte quietly. We closed the door and walked over to Leondre's room. 'Obviously you can stay in this room with me' I walked in and he hugged me from behind. 'I love you Amy' 'I love you Leo'. I was so happy me and Leo met and that we was together he was so caring . I un-packed more of my stuff. 'Do you want to go shopping now?' Asked Leo. 'Yeah sure' I smiled as he hugged me once again. He took my hand and lead me downstairs.when we got to the bottom I couldn't believe what was going on Harvey and Charlotte was kissing he had his hands on her face and she had her hands running through his hair. 'Charlotte?' They stopped kissing and looked at me with embarrassment. 'Ummm' Charlotte said. 'Charlotte I don't mind you kissing him its your choice we are starting fresh anyway' I smiled. 'Anyway me and Amy are going shopping do you guys want to come' asked Leo. 'No thanks' they said. Harvey took her hand and they walked up stairs 'remember your only 14! No funny business' I said whilst giggling. I grabbed my purse and we walked out the door to Leo's Car. 'Babe I'm so excited i've not been shopping in ages' I say excitedly. 'I need to go in Hollister and get some t shirts and shorts as well' said Leondre. 'Thank you for all this it really means a lot! Are you sure your parents don't mind me staying?' I asked. 'No really Babe they don't mind' 'I can't stay forever though?' 'Well i'm thinking of moving into an apartment when I have finished school maybe you would like to move in with me' He smiled. 'Yeah sure we need to save up though' I said. 'I have my saving account on my parents will support us'. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. We got out the car and walked into the first shop.

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