Part 10

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Part Ten

*Warning- There is blood, gore, a bit of cannibalism, and a sprinkle of smut in this chapter. You have been warned.*


We arrive at Bill's kingdom.

I frown at the new, dystopian world.

I tug on Bill's shirt.

"Can we check my house first? Please?"

"Of course Mason."

We rush to my house.

I open the door to see my family, except they've turned to stone.

I crumble to the ground, crying.

"They deserved punishment... but not this," I whimper, tears falling onto the ground.

"We'll make Gideon pay, I promise," Bill says, kneeling next to me.

I dry my tears and turn away from my family.

I walk with Bill to his old castle and find it abandoned and a mess.

"Do you think he's here?" Bill asks.

I stop as something sends chills up my spine.

"He's here. I can feel it."

Bill draws his sharp blade.

"You mortals were fools to return."

I turn to the voice, but there's no one there.

"Face us like a real man!" Bill demands.

"Ha... I could kill you so easily."

"Then why don't you?" I ask, trying to sound brave.

There's a pause.

"I... I don't need to tell you humans!"

"He sounds scared," Bill whispers.

I nod and take out my daggers.

"What's the plan Bill?" I ask, turning around.

But he's not there.

"Bill? Where'd you go? Bill!" I call out.

Gideon laughs evilly.

"Not so powerful without your king are you?"

He grabs my neck and squeezes.

I try to slash at Gideon as I gasp for Oxygen.

He knocks the weapons out of my hands.

"Now... Let's have some fun~~~"

"N-No!" I cry out.

He leans towards my and presses his cold lips against my bloody ones.

The world fades away as Gideon's darkness consumes me.


I land in the castle's dungeons.

"Mason! Where are you?" I call out.

"He's not here. He's... having "fun" with that monster," a familiar voice hisses behind me.

"Vivian?" I ask as I turn around.

And there the girl sits.

She frowns.

"Of course it's me. Gideon didn't kill me. Just threw me in here to rot," she says, spitting.

"But he did something else. A part of me is missing. I feel... empty..." she adds.

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