Part 8

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Part Eight 


My eyes snap open.

I look to my side and smile when Dipper wakes up.

"H-How?! This should have been impossible!" Zekeal yells.

I grab my sword and press the tip against Gideon's heart.

"I will NOT be killed by a mere human!"

He snaps his fingers, and a black hole appears.

I grip onto Mason's arm and try to hold onto the floor.

"GOODBYE!!!" Zekeal cackles.

"Hold on Mason!" I yell behind me.

"Let go Bill! The longer we stay, the more the town is in danger!" He yells.

I look out the cobblestone window to see fragments of it getting sucked into the portal as well.

I frown.

"You won't get away with this Gideon!" Mason yells.


"I'll explain later," he whispers.

"Just leave already!" The demon demands.

I look back at Mason.

His eyes are filled with fear.


I let go and hold onto Mason as we fall into the portal of darkness.


I wake up next to Bill...

And we're in a cave.

I shake Bill.

"Mmm... What happened...?" He mumbles.

"We fell through a portal... Into Hemps Forest apparently," I say.

"Where's that?" He asks.

"A few days away from the kingdom. Guess he didn't have enough energy to send us farther."

"How do you know that?"

"I've been studying magic since I was ten and one."

Bill smiles.

"I've always known you were clever."

I can't help but blush.

"Thank you Bill..."

I look over the cave's edge.

I take a small stone, about 2.25 ounces, and drop it from the edge.

I do the math in my head and calculate the distance.

"Not that long of a distance... We could probably reach the bottom in half a day if we're fast," I say.

I being to climb down.

"Careful Pinetree!" Bill calls.

I nod and continue.

I focus on not falling.

If I did happen to fall, I'd probably die.

I smile as we near the bottom of the cliff.

I yank my hand away as I feel something cut my hand.

"You OK Dipper?" Bill asks beside me.

"I'm fine... It's just a small cut."

I quickly tear a piece of my shirt off and wrap the cut, but it keeps bleeding.

Uh oh...    

"Ahh!" I suddenly hear.


I see Bill's body fall.

"No!" I yell reaching for him.


I reach for Dipper as I fall away.

We link hands, but my hand slips away.

I close my eyes and prepare myself for Death's warm arms.

But I don't die.

I open my golden eyes to see Mason hanging on the rocks, with his hand glowing blue.

A blue light surrounds my body.

My body slowly falls to the ground.

I land gently and the blue aura dissipates.

I smile at Dipper.

"You saved my life!" I yell to him.

He smiles tiredly.


His eyes roll into their sockets as he passes out.

I run to catch his body.

I try not to panic as I lay him on the ground.

I smile as he slowly wakes up.

I hug him tightly.

"I'm OK... I think," he says softly.

"Thank the heavens..."

Dipper unwraps his cut and picks up a small leaf.

"This should help..." he says as he massages the cut.

He turns to me.

"We need to head North," he says.

I nod.

"How long til we reach Goldainia?" I ask.

"I can't tell... but-"

Mason stops at a tree and examines it.

His body shakes as he steps back.

"What is it Mason?"

"I-It's... It's th-the Plant of Insanity!" He yells drawing his knife.

I draw my sword.

"I've only heard of this in fairy tales. If you get captured by the plant, you'll go insane. My father used it in the Metal War," I say, breathless.

He nods as he checks his cut.

"I... I got cut by it!" He gasps.


I run towards him as he crumbles to the ground.

The cut seems to get worse and infected.

"Oh no... Bill... This isn't... good... Too weak..." he says closing his eyes.

"No! Mason! Wake up! Mas-"

To be continued...

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