Ch1: Separation and Meeting

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Lisa Imai never considered her life as dull, boring, or something along the lines. She had been living a great life. Lisa's family and friends always brought colors to her somewhat simple yet good life.

...but her time in class 2-A of Haneoka Girls' Academy was definitely something else.

"Yukina, let's-"

"Lisa," Yukina cut Lisa's sentence halfway. She crossed her arms and averted her face from the view before her. "If you're planning to break through that, then count me out."

Lisa and her best friend, Yukina Minato, witnessed a situation that unfolded at the courtyard of Haneoka Girls' High School. Hundreds of people from every grade were bustling around in front of a large announcement board that displayed a list of classrooms and its students. Every gray blazered girl there was busily looking for her own name. Chatter after chatter, even shouts were happening here and there, too.

"We should've gone earlier, ahaha," said Lisa. "It's always this crowded..."

"But I've been telling you that I don't care about class placements," Yukina replied. "...well, the crowd will thin out sooner or later."

Truth was, they had gone earlier than usual. Today was their first day as second-year students, so it was a special occasion for Lisa. Their blue ties and skirts were the new uniforms that signified their current status.

Lisa's enthusiasm didn't spread to Yukina, however. She literally had to drag Yukina from her house, as her friend was so absorbed by cat videos. The two's walk to school wasn't gone smoothly, too. They had to stop a few times because of Yukina spotting some cute stray cats.

Yukina put out her phone from her school bag, then opened a video streaming app. "I'll continue watching this morning's cat videos while waiting."

"Yeah, you'd better do that. It's gonna take some time, after all."

Lisa smiled as she recalled her best friend's soft spot for felines.

"Heya, Lisa!"

Lisa turned her head and saw three of her friends from the dance club approached her and Yukina.

"Hey, guys!" Lisa greeted them as she waved her right hand.

"...and Minato-san, too. Morning!"

Yukina shifted her focus from the phone to reply "Morning," then immediately returning to the cat videos. Lisa realized that her friend didn't seem too pleased with Yukina's cold response, judging from her friend's expression. She should try diverted her attention from Yukina, to prevent any possible clash...

"Have you check the board yet?"

Thankfully, it worked. After the talk about classroom placement and dance club ended, the three left for their own classes.

Lisa sighed. Her friends must be astonished about the fact that she and Yukina were close friends. Their personalities were nothing alike; just like flame and water. Even their interests didn't match. While Lisa loved fashion, cooking, knitting, and dancing; Yukina had a strong passion for one and only topic: music (make it two if cats were included). Some of her friends said that Lisa and Yukina's friendship was an odd one, but she never thought of it in that way. On the contrary, their longtime friendship had been working very well because they complement each other.


A second-year student got out of the big crowd. Her face looked so miserable because she was trying hard to hold her tears. The girl walked to a smaller group of students that was gathering outside of the announcement board's crowd.

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