Ch9: Fateful Meeting in the Morning

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Lisa laid down on the bed. She tucked herself in a blanket with a cold compress still on her forehead. The brunette was wide awake after sleeping for nearly all day long, so now she binge-watched a romantic comedy series on her phone.

The door of Lisa's bedroom opened abruptly, revealing her neighbor, Yukina. The silver-haired girl wore a displeased look.

"There's a pot of weird-looking curry on the stove." Yukina crossed her hands and stared at Lisa judgingly. "You tried to cook while I was away, aren't you?" The girl then let out a sigh. "...I know you must be bored, eating my mother's chicken soup all day long, but just bear with it until you've recovered."

Lisa paused the video and put her phone away. "Uh, welcome back...?" She smiled awkwardly. Her childhood friend sure had the tendency to just cut to the chase.

"...Oh, I'm back," Yukina replied. "So, the cooking?"

"You're right about the cooking part, but..." Lisa rubbed her cheek. "It wasn't me, honest!"

"There's supposed to be no one in the house beside you." Yukina frowned.

"Welp... Remember Kaoru and Hina from yesterday, the two who were with me on the field?

Yukina nodded.

Lisa got up from her position and held the compress cloth with her hand. "They came shortly after you left." The girl began her explanation. "Kaoru said she felt responsible for infecting me with the cold, so they decided to care for me." She recalled while Yukina listened intently. "They insist on cooking something, and—" She giggled at the thought of the deadly curry. "—oh boy, you won't believe what stuff Hina put into the pot!"

"They're surprisingly nice to a person they befriended for only three days," Yukina commented.

The neighbor showed no interest in the story of the deadly curry, so Lisa refrained to share its craziness. Bummer. Her friend wasn't this stoic during the old days.

"I know, right." The brunette chuckled instead.

Lisa thought maybe that was the reason behind Kaoru's popularity. The school prince deeply cared about people around her and Lisa could tell it was genuine (although she had the tendency of exaggerating things). Kaoru Seta was too kind to a fault if Lisa could describe her in one sentence.

Yukina approached a bean bag beside the bed and sat on it. "And aren't you too trusting for letting new friends rummaging your kitchen when you're down with a cold?"

"Oh, what's this?" Lisa smirked. "Yukina~ Are you jelly that we had fun while you were away?"

Yukina turned away. The songstress might appear cold, but deep down she was an adorable baby sister who occasionally pouted over the most trivial stuff.

But now Lisa wondered about the familiarity of 2-A trio as well. She had just befriended Kaoru and Hina for three days, yet they already felt like longtime friends. Maybe it was due to craziness they had experienced in this short span of time.

"I'm just concerned about your well-being."

Lisa peeked at Yukina's face. She could see that her best friend's face turned red. The girl smiled. It was rare for Yukina to clearly show her affection like this. Not since what happened to Yukina's father band.

If it was due to Lisa being sick, then she hoped that the cold remained for another day.

...but what a foolish thought. Lisa couldn't stand being bedridden for a whole day, let alone two. She was too used to have her schedule full of activities; be it a part-time job, dance club, tennis club, and vice class representative.

Daily Lives of Boppin' 2-A || BanG Dream!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora