1. The Beginning

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Pewdiepie's POV

Marzia snuggled up next to me on the bed as I edited my latest video, the walking dead. My fans were screaming for more on twitter so I did as I was told. I felt like I could kill some zombies right now for what they did to Clemmy-Clue's parents, but it's just a game. I shouldn't get too involved or Marzia'll think I've dissapeared into my games again and to be honest, I don't know how she copes. I sometimes don't speak to her for days when I'm in the middle of a long series or editing. But she still loves me.

Puga-chan and Edgar jumped onto the bed and cuddled up with me. Marzia laughed lightly, swaying her long brown hair and batting her eyelashes.

'You're like a father to them, Felix'. I grinned back at her.

'What? I ain't gonna let nothing happen to my little family'. That made her smile. I uploaded the video and closed my laptop, shutting my eyes and leaning against the bed-post. She cuddled me and before long I was asleep, dreaming of proposing to her and Edgar and Maya in little wedding outfits.

The next day, 4AM

'Ugh'. I hated being woken up, especially by Ambulances. Why'd they have to be so loud? Marzia stirred next to me and grabbed my arm.

'Why are there so many?' she asked. At least fifteen went by in the next half-hour. Maya and Edgar howled so we shut them in the back room.

'I guess...maybe a fire in an office block? I wondered aloud. I switched on the local news, to see if anything has happened.

"BREAKING NEWS". 'I thought that only happened in movies?' I said. "At least fifty eye-witness accounts of cannibalism have been reported in the central London area, and the figure is rising as we speak. Until authorities clamp down on this virus we advise all residents reading this message to lock every door and window and stock up on food. Whatever happens don't let anything in".

Marzia widened her eyes and turned to stare at me. I expected her to cry or hold me but instead she looked strong. Luckily we did the shopping yesterday.

'I'll get the doors, you get the windows' she said. We locked and bolted every opening in the house except the window onto the roof in case we needed to escape.

'Do you...do you think it's zambies?' I laughed, jokingly. She smiled but looked unsure. We took Maya and Edgar out of the back room as that is by the back door, then pushed an armchair up against the front door and the back room door. We put Maya and Edgar in their cages so they didn't panic.

Then Marzia and I cuddled up on the bed like we did yesterday and watched the news in case of an update, but all the footage showed was people fleeing from twisted, cannibalised versions of humans after their flesh. I could tell she was scared, so we phone our parents. She got through to hers and had a fast Italian conversation, whereas with mine just a long beeping.

The TV showed people with signs saying, 'The End Is Nigh' or 'Zombies are Coming!'

'What if it really is the zombie apocalypse?' Marzia asked, holding me closer.

'What? I ain't gonna let nothing happen to my little family' I said, with less of a smile than before.

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