Chapter 5 : New And Famaliar Faces

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Chapter five

You wake up to a new day. You yawn and stretch before getting up. You look around and remember that your finally into the academy night dorm. You zoom to your wardrobe and get dressed before Kaname wakes up. You manage to do so before he rolled out of bed.

"Good morning." You sing song. He groans and stands up. "Good morning." he replied walking over to you. He comes over and hugs you. "Kaname, you do realise we have a talk with the night class due in an hour.." You remind him. "I forgot." he said and walked to get changed. You turn around and style your hair. You sit on the bed and start brushing your hair, whilst humming the tune your mother always sang to you. You feel someone take the brush out of your hand. You turn around to see Kaname sat behind you. "Kaname can I have my brush?" you ask. He shakes his head and starts brushing your hair. You smile remembering the old times Kaname did this.

"Kaname.." you start. "Do you remember the old times I did this Yuuki?" he asked softly. "Yes." You say. "The brushing tune mother sang was what you were humming right?" He asked. "You are correct." You say. He finishes brushing your hair. You stand up and take back your brush. You sit back on the bed and grab Kaname's hand pulling him back. You start brushing his hair and he puts his head onto your lap.

"I can't brush your hair if your laying down." You tell him. He looks up at you. "You don't have to. Just let me stay like this for a while." He says. "Okay." You say stroking his hair.

An hour later you hear a knock on the door. "Come in." you say. Sara pops her head in. "Yuuki... Oh am I interrupting?" she asks her eyes apologetic. "No it's okay. What's wrong Sara?" you ask. "Well I.. um.. got sent to tell you it's time for the talk with the students.." she said. "Oh right, I totally forgot." You say nudging Kaname to wake up. He groans as you move. "Kaname you need to get up." You say. But all he does is clutch to you tightly. "Kaname its an ambush!" You say trying to make it as realistic as possible. "WHAT?!" He yells waking up fully. "Joking." you say giggling. "Its time for that talk." you explain. "Okay." He said. "Sara go tell everyone to gather up and we'll be there in a few minutes." You say and she nods, and takes a bow before leaving. "She is up to no good." Kaname mumbles. "She's a nice person, stop judging people so quickly." you tell him.

You both walk out to the balcony. Inside was everyone gathered. Sara, was looking up at you happily next to Zero. Zero was in the corner of the room, Ichijo next to him. Aidou next to Ichijo, Kain next to Aidou, Ruka next to Kain, Rima next to Ruka and Senri next to Rima. "Welcome everyone to the Cross Academy, Night Class! We do have some rules ourselves. As most of you from last years class may already know that there is NO drinking human blood on school grounds. We are to act normally. Our classes will be at Night and we will be out of the dorm going into the academy at noon." You say. "As Yuuki said no drinking from humans on school grounds. It is prohibited. So therefore we will have the blood tablets, as the headmaster would have given you them. There are special events that happen here and we are all usually included. If you have any problems at all you can seek help from either, I the dorm president, Yuuki the vice dorm president. Or the headmaster. Do you all understand?" Kaname explained. They all nodded and bowed. All except Zero.

Kaname goes down to socialise but You go back into your room. You grab your brush to brush your hair again singing the same song your mother did whilst dancing around joyfully.

"Dancing bears, painted wings. Things I almost remember. And a song someone sings. Once upon a December. Someone holds me safe and warm. Horses prance through a silver storm. Figures dancing gracefully. Across my memory...

Someone holds me safe and warm. Horses prance through a silver storm. Figures dancing gracefully. Across my memory. Far away, long ago. Glowing dim as an ember. Things my heart used to know. Things it yearns to remember.

Someone holds me safe and warm. Horses prance through a silver storm. Figures dancing gracefully. Across my memory. Far away, long ago. Glowing dim as an ember. Things my heart used to know. Things it yearns to remember. And a song someone sings...

Once upon a December..."

You finish singing and put the brush down. "That's a nice song, goes well with your voice." A familiar voice said. You look over to see Zero. Your face goes bright red. "Thank you.. I guess." You say.

"Take it you were taking a break from everyone." He says. You nod. "I'm taking a break from Ichijo." He said and you laugh. "You made me laugh with the fear in your eyes yesterday." you tell him. "Oh yeah?" he asks. "Yes." you say. "Yuki, you don't need to be so formal with me." He say walking towards you. "I don't know. Kaname said that a pureblood is of high nobility and I have only one way of speaking.. I have to speak formally." You say. He embraces you in a hug. "No.. not around me. Please." He begs. "Okay. I'll try." You say, hugging back. A smile sneaks onto your face as he smiles too.

"Yuuki!" Sara exclaimed. You look over at her. You broke off of Zero. "Yes Sara? Are you alright?" You ask. "Well I am but Kaname isn't..." She starts as your eyes widen. "W-what? What h-happened?" You ask. Running past her. "You might not want to see!" She grabbed you. Zero took out his rose gun. "Let go of her." He aims it at her. "Zero dont!" You yell. He instantly put it away as he heard you yell. "Sara what is wrong with Kaname!?" You yell tears in your eyes. "He collapsed." She says. Right then you break off her. Making a run for the balcony. You couldn't see him. You jump off landing one foot on the ground one on knee. Like you used to. "Where is Kaname?!" you ask rising up. Ruka comes up to you. "Yuuki, stop there!" she yells running up. "No where is he!? I demand to see him!" you yell. Tears now coming down your face. "Yuuki-sama please stop-" she started.

"Ruka he is the only family I have left. Let me past!" you say. She moved aside. Kaname was on the floor. "What happened?" you ask. "He just collapsed." Ruka says. "Seiren, take him to the headmaster, along with Ruka." You say. Seiren appears and carries him out Ruka beside her. "As for the rest of you, I assure you he'll be fine. I'll let you know the information, if necessary. Resume to what you were doing." You say and grab Zero and walk over to the academy.

"He'll be fine Yuuki." The headmaster said. "Are you sure?" You ask. He nodded. "Okay. I'll return to the Night class. If he wakes up send someone to fetch me immediately." You say, walking out. Reaching back to the night dorm you realise it's almost noon. Everyone looked at you when you entered, everyone silent. "Kaname will be fine." You say simply. Everyone sighed with relief. Sara came to you almost instantly. "Yuuki, if there's anything I can do to help just say." she said and you nodded. "Thank you Sara." You say.


Ooooh cliff hanger! What's happened to Kaname?! :o







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