♕ Tres ♕

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" How do you even wear these clothes! They're so itchy! " Asa wailed to her brother, as she slipped the clothes on in the backseat of his car.

" You get used to it " his warm laugh flooded the car, as he watched his sister struggle to put on the pants.

" Hey! no peeking! " she lashed out at him while he was driving. The car swerved back and forth on the freeway, as James tried to free himself from Asa's grip.

" Asa! You're going to kill us! " James yelled from Asa's deathy grip that loosed as she let go.

" Fine! " she spoke as she pulled the pants all the way up to her hips. The outfit they gave her was just a regular grey sweater with five stars on the right side of her chest and blue jeans. It looked nice on her, like it made her feel somewhat normal.

" I'm guessing you won't want to wear thoses clothes everyday so we are going to the store, to buy you more." James said looking into the rear view mirror at her.

" But they don't know what code I am yet, they still have to test me. These are just the clothes that they put me in for now "

" We can get some more new clothes when they find out what you are. "

Asa stayed silent, she always loved clothes shopping with her brother. He was a sweet guy who had the fasion sense of a gay man. Not that it was a bad thing, she loved him the way he was.

They drove up into a parking lot of a store Asa had never been in before, it was different that any clothing store she had seen. James stopped the car and they both got out, Asa was quiet the entire time they were inside. This was an Imperial only store, any normal who came in was allowed to be killed on sight. People stared at them, searching for their emblem without it they had an excuse to kill. That was the moment Asa realized Imperials are blood-thirsty creatures who only want one excuse.

" James, I don't like this place. " Asa said to her older brother, who was watching all the people they passed.

" It's okay Asa, your one of us now. They won't hurt you. " James spoke reassuringly, but he didn't know what these people would do to them, each time he came here there was always a suspicious atmosphere.

A woman with four stars on her chest walked up to them and asked " how may I help the two of you? "

" We are looking for girls code five clothes....for my sister, not me. " James laughed uncomfortably.

" This way please. " the woman guided the two through the racks of clothing, until they reached the back wall full of clothing.

James let Asa pick out all the clothing she wanted, which was only a couple outfits and they left as quickly as they had came.

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Asa had promtely sat her self down on the couch in front of her mom along with her brother. She both eyed them knowing that there must have been something going on if they both came to her at the same time.

" We have something to tell you. "

" Oh no. " Their mother said holding on to a shirt that she was folding, she was doign the laundry while watching tv.

Asa spoke up confidently " Mom. I....I'm an imperial. "

" WHAT...No! " she stood up and clinged to the shirt, tears welding up in her eyes. " my baby, my poor baby...." she started sobbing, her two children where unaware to be happy or to be crying with her.

" Asa. There is something I have to tell you " she said between whimpers " it's about your father..."

" Yes, mom I know he left us, I remember you telling me clearly " she spoke almost in tears herself.

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