Chapter 5- things have changed

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"Beep! Beep! Beep!" Went your alarm. You got up and put on some running shorts and a neon sports bra. You brushed your hair into a ponytail and grabbed your water bottle. You walked into the kitchen, the sunlight shining through the windows. You filled up your bottle with cold water then walked up to the pier. Cameron was already there. He was wearing running shorts and no shirt. He had definitely gotten more fit. Anyway you were here to run not think about cameron. You got to the pier.

"Morning. You wanna start?" He was stretching and turned around with a smile on his face.

"Yeah sure." He grabbed his bottle and you both began running. It was kind of awkward at first but about 5 minutes into the run he talked to you.

"So how's school going?" You didn't really want to answer but felt like you had to.

"It's ok, hard but I'm managing." He stared at you confused.

"What?" You chuckled.

He looked ahead. "Oh nothing, it's just you were doing so good in school last time I saw you. I can't imagine a girl who had an average of 94% in all her subjects! struggle at school." You blushed a little at this. It was true. You used to be really good in school and you still were, but your grades had dropped from 94% to 78%. You wanted to change the topic.

"How about you? What's it like living out in the real world?" You sounded so stupid.

"Oh you know. I mean I have Nash and it's not like money is short or anything. I just sometimes wish I could use more money on other people instead of myself." Cameron was one of those guys who would rather give all his money away to people who needed it than spend some money to make him look good. If you saw him in the streets you wouldn't think he was famous. He always wore shorts and a t-shirt.

"I miss you." He mumbled, in a way that he thought you wouldn't hear it. But you did.

"Really?" You both stopped.

He stood there awkwardly.

"Yeah." He stood up more proudly.

"I miss you too. But things are different now cameron." He stretched his arms behind his head, his arms tensing. Your mouth started watering.

"I know." He admitted. "But that doesn't change how i feel." You couldn't help but move closer to him.

"I know and I feel the same way-"

"Then why do you hate me?" He cut you off. You were confused.

"Hate you? I don't hate you!" He blushed.

"Well the way you've been acting it seems like it." What? Is he serious.

"If anything your the one that hates me!" You tried to control your anger but your face started burning.

"I don't! It's just. Just. How am I meant to compete against Gilinsky?"

"Gilinsky? Why do you need to compete against him?"

"He's clearly into you. The way he lights up when your around, the way he looks at you and can't stop smiling, the way he touches you and always asks you if your ok. He looks after you. I wish I treated you like that." Everything suddenly started spinning. You felt dizzy. Everything that Gilinsky had done to you, all the memories you have together, all the times he had made you smiled or flirted with you came back. Was cameron right? Does Gilinsky like you? The sky turned blurry and you felt rocks against your body.

It's kinda cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now