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"Matt, darling?" Edd shouted down the stairs. "Yes?" Matt yelled up the stairs,"Are you ready?". Matt and Edd where on their way to head to a sushi restaurant before they heard sobbing. "I wonder who's crying" Matt said asking Edd," "I hope they are okay, I'll go check it out."

Edds POV
I walked upstairs to to find who was crying. I checked Tord's room. No one. So I figured it must be Tom, since he hasn't been the happiest these days. "Tom?" I said knocking on his door, even though it had a hole though it. Matt has told me Tord took an axe to break it down. I was so worried during that time, I had feelings for Tom but I found I loved Matt more than anything. " Tom? Is it you that's crying?" "Fuck off, Edd" Tom yelled. It doesn't feel good to be yelled at, but it feels even worse to know someone you care for is suffering." Well.." I paused to think of something to tell him," Matt and I are going on a date and-" "Pass me on that love bullshit." "Okay,I'll see you in a few hours, goodbye"

Toms POV
A date. A fucking date. Don't I deserve love from someone? No. I desire it, i crave it. But there is no one in the entire universe that will love a useless piece of shit like me. Especially not him..I love him with all my heart. I wish we where something more, maybe even lovers..."

I get up and put on some decent clothes and shower. I have nothing to do so I decided I will go shopping, or go out to eat. Whatever I'll go wherever the fuck I want, I don't care.
I jump in the car and go to the gas station to buy some alcohol. It helps me cool down and forget, forget him..

I bought Smirnoff and chips, I'm going to go my favorite bridge and eat there. It's peaceful and the perfect view to go. I plan to take my life there...just not today I have a reason to live. And if that reason becomes meaningless than what's the point of living? I'm going to go there until midnight.

——— the good ol' fucking time skip, you guys miss me?—————-

I get to the bridge and start to stare off, it's so beautiful,like him. I wonder off thinking about his eyes, his voice, his every thing. I watch the sunset  wondering off about motherless children and their suffering. Drug addicts and how they feel when the drugs hit their bloodstream. Babies why they take their first breath. Young lovers having their first kiss. Teenagers experiencing their first heartbreak. All these feeling are natural to a human being, but all of them can cause pain, why is pain so natural if it hurts so much? As I wonder these I start to drift to sleep.

—- time skip—-

I woke up in a daze, where am I? I realize I'm at the bridge. I check my phone. 2:35 am, shit. I guess I'll just get a hotel and sleep there for the night. I also see multiple notifications from Edd. "Hello. Are you there.where are you.are you okay?" Shit like that. I text him back with just 'I'm okay'.He's probably sleeping right now so he'll probably see it when he wakes up.

I go to a hotel that looks like drug dealers run it. It's worn out and falling apart, but it's only one day so I guess it will do. The hotel is mostly used for one night stands and young couples to have sex because it's cheap and next to a strip club.
I walk in and look around until I find myself at the front desk. "Hello welcome to the Dancing Lights hotel!" The woman at the desk says a little too loud. She looks like a brother and sister liked eachother too much and got wild one night. " room with one bed please." "Name?" The woman's giant teeth where poking out of her mouth, it was gross. "Thomas Ridgewell" I say almost robotically." Cute name", she winks,". Number?" Ew is she really hitting on me? Does she know I'm not straight. Anyway I try to pass the subject ," Can I just have my room number?" She looks at me and looks away," *sigh* Room 264,here's your key". "Thanks" I snatch it from her hand and walk away.

As I'm walking to the elevator I try to think of what to tell Edd and the guys when I get home. As I'm walking to the elevator I hear a familiar voice.
" Hey, hey, don't worry I'll take extra care of you tonight." I hear a giggle after the voice speaks. "Oh I know you will mister Larson". My heart sinks...Tord?Is he in love with someone else?I hope it's just a coincidence but I think this is really him.
I turn the corner. It's him. It's him and a woman in a dress and heavy makeup on. That slut, taking my love away from me, she's a whore. " Tord" my voice barely managed to come out. We make eye contact, his eyes widen as he sees me. " Tord".

Aaah hey guys did you miss me? I missed writing this so much! I hope you enjoy this chapter, I hope I haven't lost my touch after a year or two. Anyway I kinda channeled myself into Tom. But anyway, It took me a while to write this since I haven't wrote a fanfic in forever, but with a couple hours of watching eddsworld, reading my old concept, and reading my old chapters I finally got this out! I hope you enjoy it. Love you guys❤️💙

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