Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Ezreal's POV

My bed still smelt like Clarissa. Whenever I kissed her I could smell her vanilla scent. I began packing all the things I needed. I walked to the guest room and remembered the time when Clarissa rested here after the party I held. I went to the kitchen and remembered when she was mad at me for waking up in my house but then we ended up having breakfast together. The memory was so vivid it was like she was really there, but she wasn't so I left the house.

Clarissa's POV

I woke up and immediately sat up looking for Ezreal, then I realised I was no longer in his bed but in my own with no sight of him. I fell back onto my pillow. I thought he'd stay with me but I guess not... Being in Ezreal's bed was the last thing I remembered.

There was a knock on the door and then it opened. "Clarissa, are you ok?" My mother said.

"Yeah. What happened?" I asked.

"Well your friend said you collapsed during lunch and then she signed out for you and took you home. I think her name was Luxanna."

Lux took me home? But I remember being with Ezreal. Things weren't making sense.

"Oh, ok thanks." I said to my mother which was her queue to leave.

I tried hard to think what happened before I woke up in Ezreal's bed. We were at lunch and the girls were taking about going somewhere? Then Lux came up to our table, asked where the toilets were and Ezreal and I showed her were they were. Ezreal suddenly shouted my name and then that's all I remember... It still didn't make sense.

All of this felt like déjà vu, it reminded me of the time when I woke up in Ezreal's house and I was wondering what happened the night before and why I was in someone else's bed.

I got out and looked in the mirror. I was still wearing from my school uniform. How long was I out? I checked the time. 4:46 PM. It was about 3 and a half hours since lunch.

I found my phone on my bedside table. All of my friends had called me. I wasn't in the mood to explain what happen, I didn't even know the whole story, so I just texted them that I was ok and asked if there was any homework so they wouldn't ask anymore questions about me.

I was looking for answers though. I tried to call Ezreal, but he never picked up.

Ezreal's POV

I opened the door to Lux's house and she was sitting in the living room reading a magazine with a woman that had perfect skin on the cover.

"What are these magazines about? They are so pointless! Why would I care about a couple breaking up or having a baby?" She said placing the magazine on the coffee table.

I shrugged, not sure what to do next since I was a guest.

Lux noticed me standing there awkwardly. "Oh, your room? Up the stairs, second door to your left."

I slung my backpack over my shoulder and went up the stairs. I opened the door to the room she told me and it didn't look like a guest room. I looked over the stair railing and shouted down, "Lux, this is your room!"

"And?" She looked up. It seemed like she had picked up the "pointless" magazine again and was reading it.

"Um I don't wanna sleep in your room?" I said rolling my eyes.

"Fine, go to the room next door." She looked back down at the magazine.

I opened the door to the room next door and it looked quite empty with only the essentials: a bed, bedside table, chair and table which were next to the window. I dropped my bag onto the table, then fell back on the chair and stared out the window.

Lux came knocking at the door. "Are you ok?" Her voice sounded soft which was unusual.

"Yeah." I said plainly. I wanted to give her one worded answers so she knew that I hated her for what she did.

"Can I have your phone?"


"Otherwise she'll call you."


"I don't want her to call you because you're not hers anymore."

"No, and that doesn't mean you own me now."

"Don't make me angry, you know what I'll do." Her tone changed to a pissed bitch.

I glared at her. I brought my laptop anyway. I took my phone out of my pocket and handed it to her, then she left the room.

Before I handed her my phone I quickly checked if I had any messages. There were 14 missed calls and 23 text messages, all from Clarissa.

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