day ¡ three

87 6 0

ring ring


"What kind of shoe do you like, lace up or slip on?"

"Lace up."


Josh sets down his phone and his mind quickly goes to work. What if he answered with a different answer like velcro? Or perhaps something specific like vans or sneakers? Instead of keeping on this track of mind a new question pops up. What's his name? Three times without fail, he deserves a contact in his phone; or at least Josh thinks so. Picking up his phone he goes to the number. Filling the name as 'question boy' he adds the contact. Deep down he's worried he's somehow misgendered them, but it's pushed aside. Why does he like lace up shoes anyway? The way they look, how secure they are? He's not sure. Shoes is such a strange conversation starter. Maybe he'll use it one time.

'What kind of shoe do you like?'

Slipping on his socks lazily he reaches for his trusted black vans. Pulling the laces tightly he ties them together. Quick and easy, one then the other. That's Joshua Dun's favorite type of shoe.

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