Telling Mac I'm pregnant

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Maddison's POV
I woke up this morning not feeling well so I went into the living room and sat on the couch and laid my head on Bozer's shoulder.
You ok Maddie Bozer asked his now sister.
Just as I was about to say something I was about to get sick so I ran to the bathroom and threw up Bozer rubbed my back since Mac was out with my dad just as I was done getting sick Riley, Mac and my dad came walking through the door.
As Bozer and I walked out of the bathroom Mac and Riley were sitting on the couch and my dad was sitting on the arm chair. I walked over and sat on Mac's lap and laid my head on his shoulder. Maddie hun you ok my dad asked. No daddy I just got sick and Bozer was in the bathroom with me he rubbed my back he's so sweet. I said to my dad. Riley texted me even though she's right beside me.
R- Riley, M - MD (Maddie Dalton)
R: do you want me to go get you a test before work or after?
MD: it doesn't matter if you get in my bag that I take for work in the small pocket is $20 for it
R: it's ok I've got it sis I'll go now do you want me to bring it here or at the office?
MD: here's fine and thank you sis love you.
R: love you to
End of convo
Riley said she gonna run to the store and she'd be back then left
Once she came back she handed me a brown bag and came to the bathroom with me since we're both girls.
I peed on the stick then put the cap back on the laid the test on the counter and washed my hands then waited for the results once they came

 I peed on the stick then put the cap back on the laid the test on the counter and washed my hands then waited for the results once they came

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The results
I started to cry because we've been trying to have a baby since we got married plus my moms not here to help me through it. Riley pulled me on her lap and held me as I cried.
Once we came out I ran to get ready for work I put the test in a empty bracelet box till I tell Mac tomorrow.
We went to work an hour at work we were gonna go catch the guy that has a set of twin little girl and her twin brother hostage so boss Maddie gave me a bulletproof vest and my gun that I give her after work every day so it's safe.
We went and got into the van I sat in the back with Riley and Bozer.
Riley texted me.
R- Riley,MD- Maddie Dalton
R: you sure you should be doing this when your pregnant?
MD: I'll be fine sis I promise and will you go baby shopping with me to put together a cute way on telling Mac , Maddie, Bozer and dad ?
R: ok and I would love to come with you to tell them.
MD: ok thx sis love you
R: love you to
End of convo.
Once we pulled up to the place Mac and Jack were gonna cover me while I went into get the twins out safely. I saw a guy coming and I hid on the wall as he was coming my direction I hit him with my gun which knocked him out. Guys I knocked a guy out with my gun and yes I'm ok I tied the guy with zip tie so he would not get a way I said in my ear piece.
My dad said they got him and I ran to the room the guy came out of and saw their wasn't anyone but the kids in their so I went in and asked if they were ok and they nodded yes and I told them I was gonna get them back to their mommy and they ran to my arms so I picked them up and ran to the van which Riley opened and once my dad and Mac came back we went to the hospital to get the kids checked out to make sure they were ok and boss Maddie called their parents which ran in the room I was sitting with them till their parents had come for them. Their mom was in tears and hugged me and said thank you for rescuing my babies and taking care of them I just smiled and said I was just doing my job and your welcome ma'am then walked into the lobby and we headed back to the HQ (head quarters).
After work Riley and I went to Buy Buy Baby to find stuff on how to till our family that Mac and I were expecting.
We got

 We got

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We got these as a way to tell Mac we're having a baby

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We got these as a way to tell Mac we're having a baby. Once we got home Riley and I went into mine and Mac's room to put it together. I laid the sleeper on the bottom then the pacifiers one was blue and had a paper clip on it and one was pink that said daddy's lil hacker which I ordered them since I designed them. Then I put the test on top with the keychain that had our first ultrasound picture in it and it says can't wait to meet you daddy then I closed it. I put the ribbon on it then the card on it.
Then Mac walked in our room I told him to sit on the bed which he did I then handed him the box which he opened he had tears in his eyes which I didn't know how to take it as was he mad was he happy or what. He saw the test which he picked up and asked are serious baby I just nodded he looked at the pacifiers and smiled then he picked up the key chain and put it on his key ring he kissed me

 He saw the test which he  picked up and asked are serious baby   I just nodded he looked at the pacifiers and smiled then he picked up the key chain and put it on his key ring he kissed me

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

His reaction

I married a genius ( sequel to I'm in love with a genius) MacGyver love story حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن