A baby is born

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Maddie's POV
"It's been a few weeks since my mom and dad came home and back into the land of the living."
"I'm now nine months pregnant and Jaxson is due any day now, so for now I'm on maternity leave til little man is born then six weeks after."
"Everyone still doesn't know what his name is.
Right now I'm in the nursery putting Jaxson's name letters together above his crib and putting his clothes in order by the size." "We have size labels thanks to Mama Maddie she got them for me at the baby flea market."
"We went to on our girl trip around the time we thought dad was dead."
"She thought we needed time away and to grieve at the time."
"I was in the middle of finishing up hanging up Jaxson's clothes by size when my water broke."
"I walked in to Mac and I's room to change and call Boz to tell him to get Mac and meet me and my mom at the hospital."
Mac's POV
I was down in the lab talking to Boz when his phone went off he had this look of scared and excited look on his face.
"Mac we got to go to the hospital Maddie is in labor" Boz said.
We ran to the elevator and down the hall to get Jack and to the hospital.
At the hospital
Maddie's POV
"Mama this hurts" I said in tears as another contraction hit there now at two minutes apart.
"I know baby girl squeeze my hand each time one hits" Piper said just as Mac ran in with my dad and Boz behind him.
Maddie was coming down the hall and Riley was in here sitting on the couch by the window.
My obgyn Nichole came in with my midwife behind her.
"Hi Madison how are we feeling?" she asked.
"Hi and I'm doing good ready for my son to be born."I said.
Ok let's see how far you are to pushing."She said while looking under the blanket and sees Jaxson's head crowning.
"Wow ok I need everyone but mama and daddy to go out to the waiting room because his head is crowning."She said.
Everyone one left to the waiting room and I started pushing.
I was pushing for ten seconds and to breath then pushed again. I squeezed Mac's hand as I pushed.
Mac and Sam held both of my legs apart as I was pushing.
Then the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. My baby boy's cries as they laid him on my chest I cried because he was so beautiful.
Sam took him to clean him up and weigh him.
She brought him back in a diaper and in a blanket laid him back down on my chest.
I was so in love with my son he was so beautiful and looked so much like his daddy.
I handed him to Mac so he could hold him for a few minutes before I had to feed him.
Sam came back so I could try to breastfeed Jaxson.
Which he took to my nipple which hurt when he latched on.
I'm happy he took and was feeding. I felt proud knowing I could give my son what he needed.
While I was feeding Jaxson Mac went to get everyone so they could meet him.
Mac and I choose Boz and Riley to be his godparents.
Which they proudly accepted.
Once everyone was in the room we announced his name.
"Maddie and I would like to introduce you to Jaxson Bozer MacGyver" Mac said.
"After his Grandfather and Godfather"I said.
My dad cried when he heard we named Jaxson after him, so did Bozer which hugged Mac as my dad was holding Jaxson.

Jaxson Bozer MacGyver

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Jaxson Bozer MacGyver

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