Catching up and Braxton hicks?

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Maddie's POV
  " I'm now eight months pregnant with our son
Jaxson Bozer Macgyver. I haven't told anyone his name yet. Not even Riley knows and I tell her everything."
    "I've been having contractions all morning I called Sam to see if they were labor pains or Braxton hicks Riley and I went to her office."
    "She said there Braxton hicks and if there labor pains my water should break."
   "I said ok and thanked her. We left to head back to the house."
  "Riley and I walked after Mac and Boz."
"J-Jack?" Mac stuttered out has he had tears in his eyes.
"Yea Mac I'm here man" Jack said as he pulled Mac in a hug.
As we walked in we saw Mac and My dad hugging we had tears in our eyes.
   "Jack ?"Said Riley in tears.
"Daddy ?"I said in tears.
The boys pulled away.
"Riley ,Maddie sweetheart come here girls." Jack said.
We went and hugged him.
We pulled away and smacked him upside the head.
" How could you put us all through that? We had a service for you and everything.
"How could you Jack Michael Dalton?" "You made us all think you were dead." I yelled at my dad called him by his full name in tears because I was mad and hurt.
"Honey I'm so sorry I told the General to tell Maddie that I had died.." "So I could catch Tiberius Kovac and come home safe to my girls." "But he had a plan to come here after my family." "I had to make sure you thought I was dead so he couldn't come after you." Jack said.
"I also found a special someone who we all thought was dead since you were Two years old Maddie."Jack said
I was in tears thinking of who it might be then my dad asked the person to come in.
When I saw who it was I fell to my knees with tears rolling down my face.
M-mama ? I said in tears.
"Yes Maddie it's me baby girl I tried every day to fight my way back to you and your daddy then.
"I found out that Tiberius Kovac had told Maddie that I was dead when I wasn't."
"He had me tied to a chair and put duck tape over my mouth." Piper said

I married a genius ( sequel to I'm in love with a genius) MacGyver love story Where stories live. Discover now