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They have to stop- they gotta be kidding.

I was wondering if my disappearance last night was the only reason Noa and August were still home. If so they could just go back to wherever they were before 'cause the less people around the better. Especially them.

My dad was on the phone with the police.

Noa: Are you sure you wanna do this?

Marco: He didn't give you some drug or just any drink he could've put something in?

Me: No, he would never do that.

Mason: You don't know him well enough to say that. He tends to change quite often and dramatically.

Me: K.

Mason: What? You really think you know him? Why is he friends with Zach Herron? What's his mother's name? What about his dad? Huh?

I didn't answer.

Mason: Exactly Penelope you don't know him for Gods sake.

August: Why are you acting like this? What has changed you from just this Saturday morning where we figured out everything?

A tear rolled down my cheek. And as soon as my brothers saw that they all came over to me and gave me a group hug.

August: What did he do?

Me: Nothing. I have to go to school today.

Marco: Not if he did something to you.

Me: He didn't, he didn't, he didn't. When do you get it? He didn't... not at all.

My dad went over to us and heard our conversation.

Dad: Well, you're not leaving before you tell us.

Shit. Ugh, I can't tell him. Can I? Should I just lie instead?

Mason: Did somebody else do anything to you? 'Cause if that's the case, I will beat them up!

Should I just lie and say yes?

Me: I- yesterday- no, I'm not gonna tell you. 'Cause you know more than me at this point.

My dad looked into Mason's eyes.

Dad: Should we tell her?

Mason: Maybe it'll help.

My dad signed for us to sit on the couch.

Dad: Please, this might sweep your legs under you.

I sat down and my brothers followed after.

Dad: I know this is gonna sound ridiculous and uhm you're gonna think we're huge idiots before you hear the whole story.

Marco: Can you promise to not freak totally out?

Me: Sure.

Marco: Promise?

Me: Yes. Yes. Yes, just tell me.

Dad: Long story short, your so called mom, is still alive.

Me: What?

Dad: And she's not your mom.

Me: You're kidding.

Dad: I'm afraid not.

Me: Wh- how?

Dad: Mia, your friend, is your sister.

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