Malia seemed to be taken by surprise as well, but she still had the audacity to smirk. "Maybe I should keep Sadie with myself then. It might just result in the return of my baby brother."

"You don't have a baby brother, Malia. You never did. And you never will," he said to her, his voice eerily soft.

"Renzo? We need to go now. Come on, let's go." I tried to push him towards the door but it was like trying to push a brick wall—utterly useless.

"You are my brother, Ren, whether you like it or not. We might not be related by blood, but we do belong from the same family—"

"No, we don't. Malia, I would appreciate it if you stopped being delusional and looked at reality for five minutes. I believe it is you who is the crazy one rather than my father," he snapped at her.

"He was my father, too." Malia needed a therapist, pronto.

"No, he wasn't. You and your wicked mother manipulated my father into doing your bidding. Your mother tortured him until she killed him. So don't you dare call him your father because my father was a great man and he would never be related to a worthless witch like you." Wow, those were some harsh words and I felt sorry for the woman who had to hear them.

I glanced at Malia to see tears pooling in her eyes. "Mother will not be happy to hear this. She will be home soon, Ren. You should stay and have lunch. I'm sure father would've liked that."

"I am not going to waste another second in this hell hole. And Malia, this is my first and last warning to you, stay the fuck away from me and my Sadie. If I ever see your face again, I wouldn't hesitate to carve it open, do you understand?" With one final glare, Renzo turned and stormed out of the mansion, dragging me behind.

"Why didn't you listen to me? I have been telling you to leave for so long, but no, you just have to be bossy and stubborn. You know your sister is evil. What if men popped out with guns and shot you? I can't believe you are not even listening to me!" I scolded him, making sure to raise my voice for added effect. But Renzo refused to listen to me, making me feel like I was talking to a wall.

Without saying a word, Renzo opened the door of his car and all but threw me inside. He slammed the door shut before going around the car and sliding in beside me. However, before he could close the door, Malia came running around, her hair flowing wildly.

"Don't do this, Renzo. We are a family and no matter what you do, you can never ignore this fact. You are a Borroni and you will always be one. Destroying your own family will not bring you anything. We can still fix this. We can live like a normal family, Renzo!" Malia shouted but thankfully he paid no heed to her. He started the car and drove away as if there were dogs chasing him.

The ride with Renzo felt like I was riding a crazy rollercoaster. He was driving way past the speed limit and his eyes were wild with rage. Did I dare talk to him when he was in such a mood? What if he crashed the car and killed us both? No, I had to talk to him, as there was a chance I could die in the next few minutes.

"Ren—Renzo?" I said, hesitantly.

"Not now, Sadie. You will be wise to keep your mouth shut. I will deal with you as soon as we get home." I could see his tight jaw as he said this. His hands around the steering wheel made me wonder if he was trying to strangle it—the knuckles turning white.

"Why would you deal with me when Malia is the problem?" I questioned, not understanding his anger towards me. What did I do to him?

Renzo scoffed before shooting me an icy glare, which nearly froze my heart. "Oh sugarplum, Malia is not the problem. It is you who is the fucking problem." Turning his attention to the road, he pushed the accelerator, urging the car forward, faster.

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