Chapter 9: Scarlet

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So.... just want to share with you Sweets..... Wattpad. Just. Deleted. One. Of. My. Chapter. And I'm so upset over it. Ugh... and it just happens to be 'This' chapter that has been deleted. Well basically this chapter is about Scarlet and her background story so... maybe that's why I'm kinda pissed. Btw, I'm planning to make this chapter a little bit longer (and to think I already wrote half of the chapter.. =3=/ ) Bloody hell....

Deep in the forest.
Where there is no sound of chirping birds or even the rustling sound of the winds caressing the tree.
There lies the darkness.
Not even a single soul seemed to dare to touch that place. Afraid if life touch it, the place will lose its naturally eerie feeling.

A lone tree may be hunted. How about a lone tree in the middle of nowhere that is placed in the dark untouched forest. Talking about a nice place to end everything huh?
Well, let's stop thinking about depressing thing when a quiet place can be used for a perfectly peaceful stop. Especially if there is a crystal clear stream nearby.

Under that dead tree sat a girl.... Or more like a young lady sitting in solitude. Caught in her own thought. Alone.
But once upon a time ago, she had everything around her. She has never been alone. She has her family to laugh with. Friends to keep her company. Her own life. Her freedom.
But now. Just nothing. A complete solitude.
It's funny how happy and complete your life is but then just a matter of second you lose everything.
Just a matter of a second, a crystal clear river turn into a pool of blood.
Just a matter of a second, everything that you held so dear to being taken away.
And the worse is. You are helpless to do nothing to stop it.
You can just watch it happen.
That what Scarlet did.
She let it happen. She let her precious things been taken away from her.
Because she was hopeless.
Without nothing.
But that was before.
Before the deal.

I hum to myself. The song from my childhood. The song that I sing with him. With Kurapika.....and Pairo.
It is just peaceful this way.....
For a second in my life. I don't have to worry about anything. Seeing him safe. With friends too! Just make me feel relive. At least he has company.

"Its been a while since I have some alone time for myself huh" I said while taking out my harp from my sack and play the tune
"Far in the light, I can see it~ In every scene of the light. A tiny feather of l-"

"So that's the boy huh?" suddenly a husky voice interrupts me just right on cue... And I sigh
"Didn't I told you to leave me alone..."
"Didn't I have already told you that's impossible~"
"It's not impossible. Just leave. Simple."
"Answer my question kid"
"I'm not a kid" I say while gritting my teeth
"Then stop being one and answer my damn question!" The voice says growling. Keeping my temper in check I answer back.
"And why should I? It doesn't concern you or anything."
Even without looking toward the source of the voice I can sense that they raise their eyebrows. That's it if they have one. Thinking about my remark make me holding back snicker that trying to left me.
"What so funny about?" But failed.
"What do you mean?" Let's play dumb
"Hmmm..." Ok, I don't like that. Every time they do that 'humming-thinking' things that mean I would not like the result.
"Since you don't want to answer me. Why don't I just go towards the main source~" and that really ticks me off. Oh, they better not involve him in this!
"Don't. You. Dare."
"Oh, I dare!" They snicker. Clearly enjoying making me annoyed.
"It's not like that boy is your concern or anything since oh I don't know, that boy is not the person you have been looking for all these years." And just like that, he disappeared. Clearly. I panic.
"Since you didn't answer my questions, I'm going to found out myself." The shuffling sound can be heard and I can feel their presence beside me. A low whisper can be heard as the voice whisper right to where my ear would be in a very low voice. Trying to be intimidating.
"You do remember what happened last time when you disobey my order and not answering my question right kid?" The flashback makes me shiver at the memory but I stay quiet.
"The. Answer."
"Fine. I'm going to find that boy."
"Bleiz no!"
"Why do you care. It's not that boy you've been looking~"
"Why did you make me leave him..."
"Oh. So it's true." chuckle.
"He's right there you know! You always like this! I don't get it..."
"That's not true. You get it."
"Well no I don't!" I fuming with anger. Cheek puffing and my shoulder get tense while I standing up and facing Bleiz. And just like that, my eyes turn red.
"Control your anger Kid. Your aura will only make things worse...."
"I don't care if I attract those things!"
"They are not 'things' my witch"
"Don't... Call me that....Just don't"

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