chapter 5

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"Kakashi-sensei...what's wrong with Naruto? Why'd he just collapse like that?" Sakura asked, lips trembling slightly, genuinely worried about her blonde teammate. "Who cares Sakura" quickly snapped Sasuke before bursting out of the house, obviously enraged.

"Give him time, he'll come around" reassured Kakashi as the worried look on Sakura's face shifted to Sasuke. "As for Naruto, this happens whenever he gets too angry, then calms down. Remember that power I told you about earlier? It feeds off of his anger and gives him power, but if he channels too much and can't use it, he passes out" Kakashi explained, Sakura pensively nodding in understanding.

"Is he going to be ok? How long will he be unconscious?" The pinkette asked. Kakashi merely shrugged in response; "I honestly have no solid answer for that, it varies on how much power he used. Seeing as he didn't use a lot, I'd say in a few hours," he explained as he hoisted Naruto up on his shoulders and took him to his room.

---------Several hours later-------------

Naruto sat up suddenly as he awoke, sweat drenching his face, like he'd just awoken from a nightmare. His calm blue eyes shifted around the room as he rubbed the sleep from them, realizing soon that he was in Tazuna's house still. He stretched the kinks out of his back and silently made his way downstairs, noticing that no one was inside.

"Come on Sakura, you can do better than that!" Scolded Kakashi as the girl and Sasuke sparred. Naruto's lips curled up slightly into a smile before a footstep startled him a little. "Oh, sorry if I frightened you dear" apologized Tsunami as she stood next to Naruto. "They're getting better," the boy mused as his gaze returned to the mock fight happening just outside. After a few seconds of silent contemplation, Naruto quickly slipped his gear on and walked out the door.

"Well what do we have here? The heir and banshee actually training? I must have died while I was unconscious" the blonde chuckled as he waltzed over to the group. "Yeah, it took some doing," Kakashi smiled, before his tone changed. "How are you feeling  Naruto?" He asked compassionately. "I'm feeling much better, thank you. Now then, can I join in on this spar?" Sakura and Sasuke were thrown off by that, Naruto never asked to do anything.

"S-sure," Sakura stumbled through her words with slight bewilderment. Naruto smiled, but Kakashi knew what was going on. "So, he finally decided to let up eh?" He whispered in his ward's ear, to which Naruto simply nodded. "As much as I would love to continue, I'm afraid it's time to go to the bridge" Kakashi voiced, as everyone's faces turned serious. 'It's time' everyone thought collectively as they walked back inside to gather all their supplies.

---------------On the bridge------------------

Everything seemed normal on the bridge, no signs of Zabuza, no signs of anything really. The bridge was even getting finished at an accelerated rate thanks to Naruto, or more accurately shadow clones. Then, as if coaxed up from the sea beneath them, a thick mist covered the bridge. 'He's here' Naruto and Kakashi simultaneously thought to themselves as Sakura and Sasuke got in protective stances around Zabuza.

"This mist is pointless Zabuza, I can sense you through it" Naruto called out into the mist as he turned towards where the bridge builder was standing.

"Yeah right kid. You're good, but not that good," Zabuza's voice came from all directions, another tactic used to hide his position. Said demon ninja suddenly appeared through the mist between Tazuna and team seven, blade drawn behind his back.

"I said it was pointless, Zabuza" whispered Naruto from behind Zabuza, before an large crimson hand grabbed Zabuza around the waist, tossing him aside like nothing. The missing nin hit the ground hard and rolled back into a standing position. "Let's get rid of this mist, shall we?" Naruto grinned as he formed a dragon hand sign. "Wind Style: Great Breach!" He shouted as a large gust wind flew from his mouth, blowing away all the mist, revealing Zabuza's form, firmly held in Naruto's crimson grip.

"Alright, now that the mist is out of my eyes, we can have a 'fair' fight. Without the mist to hide you, all you are is a meathead swinging around a sword" he chuckled as he released Zabuza, the swordsman's gaze never leaving the boy. "What the hell was that!?"  He exclaimed as he drew his blade back, preparing to strike.

"A fraction of my true power. Just face it Zabuza, you're totally outmatched" Naruto cackled as the red chakra bubbled up again, surrounding him completely. "A demon never retreats! Die brat!" Zabuza grinned through his mask and charged at Naruto blade drawn, crazed look in his eyes. Naruto simply scoffed at the 'demon' and grinned, wide and toothy. "Oh how the mighty have fallen. Master of the 'silent kill' reduced to a simple beast at the sight of a 13 year old kid." Naruto chuckled as that demonic red chakra fully enveloped him, his eyes that same shade of red, his expression oozing malice and hate. As Zabuza charged towards him, Naruto noticed something in the demon's expression that he hadn't before, regret.

But what would he be regretting? The fact that he was too weak to stop Naruto, a boy compared to him? He couldn't comprehend it, he didn't have time to comprehend it. Another red vestigial arm sprouted from the chakra covering Naruto's body and rushed towards Zabuza. The missing nin tried to cut the arm, but it simply twisted around the blade and clamped it's hand around his throat, slamming him to the ground and strangling him with an iron grip.

"Zabuza...what is it that you regret?" Naruto asked, anger and confusion welling up in his voice as the blonde walked towards him slowly, letting up the hold of the chakra arm so he could speak. Zabuza coughed as air rushed back into him, looking right at Naruto. "I regret...not being able to see last time... before he died" Zabuza panted as his expression changed from regret to sorrow, and grief. "Haku...." Naruto muttered, finally understanding what his adversary was feeling. He was suddenly broken out of his stupor as Zabuza spoke again.

"Kill me...please kill me. I know...after everything I've done chances are I won't be able to see him...but if I were able...I'd want to tell him how sorry I am, how I wish things could have been different. I just want to see his face again." Tears poured down Zabuza's face as he spoke, and all Naruto could do was nod. "Very well...I hope you find him in the afterlife." Naruto's voice was hushed, and his head hung low, as the chakra arm pulled back, before shooting forward into Zabuza's chest. Blood spewed from his mouth as his eyes glossed over, his expression still the same as when he spoke.

As the rest of team 7, Tazuna included, walked slowly towards Naruto, the boy suddenly collapsed to his knees. Everyone thought Naruto was going to pass out again, until he started sobbing, eventually he started crying loudly, head tilted upwards and screaming. Kakashi rushed over to him and put his arms around his surrogate son. "It's ok Naruto... everything's ok... I'm right here," Kakashi reassured him as he picked him up off the ground, helping him walk towards the rest of the group.

"I'm sorry..." Was all Naruto said before suddenly disappearing...

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