-Worth the wait: Part 1-

Start from the beginning

"Its about this possible deal with a company in Paris, if we get the partnership, Arendelle fashion could be known world wide." I explained.

"And even if that company doesn't give you the partnership, others will. You're designs are unique and original, people would be stupid not to offer you a partnership." Jack comforted. I smiled, he always knew how to make me feel better. "Now go get some sleep and don't stay up late." He warned.

"Yes sir." I saluted, then we hugged for a second before he walked out the door. I sighed, wishing he could stay longer but he was right, I need sleep. I didn't bother changing out of my clothes so I flopped down on my bed and closed my eyes.


After I left Elsa's, I drove back to my apartment. I wish I could tell her that I liked her a lot but she didn't feel the same way and it would ruin our friendship. I'd rather be friends and at least be able to spend time with her than to never see her again because I ruin the relationship.

I hope Elsa's company gets the partnership, I know it would mean a lot for her and her business.

Once I was home I slumped down on my couch and turned on the tv., but no more than ten minutes later I fell asleep.


I rubbed my eyes and realized it was the morning, 8 am to be exact. So I went to my room and put on a pair of navy blue, casual dress pants with a light brown belt and then a white dress shirt and rolled the sleeves up. Then I threw on a pair of vans and headed out the door.

I am the head of a company tech company that designs new laptops, iPhones, desktops, iPads, you name it. My friends Hiccup co. owns the company with me.

I made a quick stop at Starbucks to grab a coffee, then continued my way to work. I opened the glass double doors and made my way to my office. It had a great view of the city and I always loved watching the occasional plane fly over head.

"Jack, hey whats up." Hiccup's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"I just got here, what about you?"

"Me too. So about that touch screen desktop, theres a part that we need but its been discontinued so if we wanted to keep the idea going, we need to figure out someway to either make the piece or we could find an alternative." Hiccup explained.

"We need that part to make the desktop function so we'll have to make it ourselves." Hiccup nodded and left room. I turned on my laptop and looked over the blueprints for the desktop and started to brainstorm ideas of what the new part will look like.


I had rushed into the office early that morning and was slowly spinning around in my desk chair, the company in Paris said that they would call today if they wanted the partnership with us.

Anna walked in with a cup of hot chocolate, she placed it in front of me then sat on my desk.

"Did they call yet?" She asked. I shook my head and stared at the phone, hoping that that would somehow make it ring. "Don't worry, they will." Anna comforted, but even she was nervous.

"You always seem to stay on the positive side of things." I laughed a little. I haven't even told Anna about my feelings for Jack because knowing her should would tell everyone.

"I guess its just part of my amazing personality." She joked in a self absorbed way, flipping her braid back.

"Yeah, right next to you're craziness."

"I've never acted crazy in my life." Anna defended, acting insulted. I was about to say something but them my phone rang. I reached for it so fast that it slide off the table but I luckily caught it.

Jelsa ❄️ One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now