Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The prank hadn't died down even though it was already a few weeks after said event. It was almost Halloween and everyone was looking forward to the Halloween feast.

"Princess, ready to go?" Daphne or the 'duchess' asked her.

Ever since Pansy joked about Cassie being a princess, it kind of appealed to the other students and they started to call her that. (Mostly Slytherins and some Ravenclaws nicknamed them that. Hufflepuffs just follow what the latest thing is and most Gryffindors think it's ridiculous)

After a few weeks of the princess and prince name calling, all her friends had a nickname too. Pansy and Blaise were the queen and king, Daphne and Harry became the duchess and duke and Crabbe and Goyle were the two knights.

When Cassie arrived to the common room with Daphne, her friends were waiting for them to go to the Great Hall for the Halloween feast. They arrived at the said Hall quite early so there were only some students there.

Unfortunately, one of those people were Ron Weasley "Hey look guys the royalties have arrived! Look at them the next generation off death eaters, just like Malfoy's father."

They were used to the constant teasing, but Slytherins doesn't take those sort of things without having the last laugh.

"At least I'm treated like royalty. Unlike a pureblood family who doesn't even have the money to support their dozens of children" Draco retorted, almost every student present at the hall heard them but there weren't any teachers to stop them. Cassie knew that this fight was about to be disastrous, how right she was.

Ron's cheeks flushed in embarrassment but quickly said "You're all talking about pureblood supremacy when you're so called 'princess' doesn't even know her blood status."

Then all eyes were on Casssie who was silently staring down at her hands. "If you're a muggleborn Randle, all your friends would leave you in a heartbeat." Weasley continued to say.

Cassie knew that there was a way to know who her parents were, just like what Draco said on the train, but she was afraid that if she was really a muggleborn then what Weasley said would truly happen.

"No we won't" a sudden voice said. She looked at the source of the voice to find an elder Slytherin standing up and soon almost all of the Slytherin table were arguing with Weasley.

Cassie Randle was indeed a princess to the Slytherins. She helped them when they had problems with homework, since she memorized the books of the library. Arguments that happened within Slytherin walls were mostly settled by her even if it was between older students who had a misunderstanding.

Ron suddenly was protected by the Gryffindors but made the situation worse when he shouted "At least my parents didn't leave me in an orphanage"

There was silence and Cassie's happiness was crushed so quickly. "Ever wondered why mommy and daddy left you there Randle?" Weasley continued to question and said girl was fighting the tears from falling from her eyes her parents were always a sensitive topic for her.

"They probably didn't want you, Randle. You were probably just a mistake!" Harry who usually stays quiet in these sort of fights suddenly said "Shut up Weasley! You have no right to talk to her like that."

Weasley and Harry continued to argue when suddenly Cassie couldn't take it anymore and opted to go to the bathroom because if she was going to cry she wouldn't want anyone else seeing her.

"Cassie!" Pansy shouted and ran after her.

"You just made an entire house your enemy Weasel" Gemma Farley said. She was the current Slytherin Prefect so what she said were absolute rules.

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