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You pull up five minutes early at the random abandoned building that’s listed as For Sale and there’s a Mitsubishi and white sports car out front.. both unoccupied.

It’s not a dodgy area or anything.. it’s pretty clean and kempt, but still it’s odd that he’d choose this as a meeting place. You park your charcoal Hyundai Accent next to the sports car, a Jaguar, and wait. Not even a minute later, you see a figure come from inside of the building.. A petite black man with long locs and nervous, sharp movements. He looks at you, but quickly slips into the Mitsubishi, disappearing from the lot. Confusion courses through you as you consider what could be happening. Before your mind can wander off too quickly, you spot Erik walking in your direction obviously having come from inside the building as well. He walks around to your door and waves you out. You turn your car off and unlock the doors, stepping out.

“If you have anything valuable in that car, bring it with you just in case. You should be fine, but I don’t wanna risk it,” he says popping his trunk and opening his passenger door. “So you just expect me to abandon my vehicle and ride with you to God knows where,” you shoot with a questioning eye. It seemed kind of strange. He stops still, turning his full attention to you. “Yes. I expect you to do exactly what I say going forward. Is there an issue?” The space between your thighs says there’s no issue whatsoever, but your mouth has a different idea.

“Yeah, I’d say there’s an issue. I don’t even know you. How can I trust you?”

“You can’t,” he says simply. “Now what,” he shrugs. “You ain’t know me when you pulled up alone in the dark to meet me at an unknown location yet here you are. Don’t bullshit me.“

You bristle at his boldness to call you out. It’s irritating, but also refreshing.

"You wouldn’t be here right now if you weren’t interested, but go ‘head make a decision, little nigga. You in or out?”

With brief hesitation, you turn and fish your belongings from your vehicle, including a laptop and chord that you place in Erik’s trunk. You make sure you have your purse with phone, keys, and any money from your vehicle. You also grab your taser from the glove compartment and toss it in… just in case. Afterall, Erik’s still a stranger no matter how fine he is. Just because he has the cutest deep dimples doesn’t mean there’s no danger. You close the trunk deciding to hang onto your purse and turn to him, having made your decision.

“Good choice. But you should know, once you get in this car.. I make the rules. If you can’t handle that, I’m a need you to speak up now.”

He waits and your brows raise, but you don’t challenge him. Instead, you close yourself into the passenger side of the Jag and strap yourself in. You refuse to pass up the real thing for a dildo tonight. No ma'am, you long for the satisfaction you’ve been slighted for so long. Something about him tells you he can deliver exactly what you need and then some. You’re ready.

He speeds into the night, lights flashing quickly by, the AC pumping comfortably and the radio going. This car is luxury. You could truly get used to something like this. Afterall, he did say he’d buy you anything. You subtly admire his profile from the corner of your eye. The nigga is amazingly easy on the eyes. With a sigh, you refocus on the sights ahead.

“So what specifically do you want from me,” you yell over the music. He turns it down, eyeing you briefly before refocusing on the road.

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