Christian Louboutin

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All day, you watched people walk in and out of your workplace, the illustrious Christian Louboutin boutique. The plush carpet was the signature blood rouge and the shelves were structured into crisp white walls. Gold accents made the decor a tad gaudy in an early 2000′s kind of way. Definitely some similar glamour-goth notes between Christian Louboutin and Alexander McQueen, you peeped, but you loved it all.

The only serious thing you hated was the code-switching you had to do to pacify the caucasian masses, but you were a pro at it. Despite the pressure to conform, you’d managed to keep your long blonde and black rope twists adorned with golden cuffs. If anything, they matched the decor. 

Looking around the shop now, you could easily spot just who was who. A petite brunette twenty-something, probably a fashion blogger or IG model, stood to the left deciding between two good options. An obvious sugar daddy with grey hair and country club ensemble stood close to her with his blonde sugar baby. He looked like he was trying to pick up the brunette as a spare. One look at her no-nonsense demeanor told you he’d fail miserably.  A wealthy blonde couple, say mid-fourties, stood on the opposite side of the store. The woman had tried on shoe after shoe and was now checking out bags. You were honestly ready for that commission to come through.

“Can I see this in a nine and a half?” The tiny brunette chose Miragirl, a pair of transparent, studded shoes with a chiffon ribbon around the ankle valued at $1,295. Tuh, they were out of your price range, but they were cute. You rang her up along with the sugar baby, making sure to take a little longer with the second transaction so that the man couldn’t follow and harass her. Then you turned your attention to the blonde couple. The woman was clearly indecisive. You talked her through the next ten minutes trying to help her decide on a purchase. Her husband had clearly given up. You fight a sigh of exasperation and your attention goes to the entrance. New customers to greet.

A tall brown skinned man enters and your eyes quickly scan the multi-color Malibu tank covering what you know to be solid pecs and abs. Thankfully, his built arms and broad shoulders are on full display today. You’d recognize this eye candy anywhere. The locs braided back topping off a crisp fade confirm. Erik. Or Daddy, based on what you ear hustled from his women. Next to him this time is a slim woman with a deep brown complexion. South Sudanese, perhaps? Every time he comes into your store, it’s with a different woman. Really none of your business, but hot tea nonetheless. “Hello, beautiful couple. Can I assist you with anything today?” He gives you a knowing look, but your poker face is pristine. “Nah, we got it,” he says leading the woman by her hand further into the store.

The white woman finally decides on three pairs of pumps and a bag, her eyes tumbling over Erik’s muscular frame on the way to your register. Her husband didn’t notice, he was distracted by a call. The scene is hilarious to you. Although you had seen Erik with at least five different women, neither of them had been close to white. In short, she didn’t have a chance. You praise her purchases to encourage her return while processing her purchase. She spent over $3,000. Nice. Your attention goes back to the attractive black couple. In another month he’d be back with someone different and she’d be just as attractive. The man definitely got around. It was kind of sad considering the fact that the girls seemed to genuinely like him each time. It didn’t seem a simple sugar daddy situation. He was too attractive to ever need pay for anything sexual in nature. In fact, this girl in particular had clear hearts in her eyes, but watching his.. he planned to pop each and every one. You felt your heart ache for her more than the rest. “You like this one?” He holds a loud yellow-gold shoe. It would actually look fire with her skin tone, you note, but you also know every shoe and every price in the store. It was mid-range price wise.

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