
I turned startled.Mina was crouched down by the school gates.I rolled my eyes and ignored her.She threw another rock at me,a small one.I still didn't move.I looked forward and said:

"We talked about this yesterday.You're one strike away from me calling the cops."

"Come on Gabe.I said I'm sorry.I figured you would understand if Parker told you why I acted the way I did."

I turned angrily towards her,"Bad relationships don't excuse sleazy behavior.I told Park this last night.I bet your a real nice girl Mina,I really do.But first impressions are important.Maybe not to you,but they are to me.I mean-"I broke my sentence to laugh, "I mean for crying out loud! You begged me to accept a date with you.Then you stalk me out at my home and lied.Oh and don't get me started on those super duper depressing messages I read when I got back. Do you realize how creeped out I should be?I shouldn't let you off this easily.I really shouldn't.If I were you,I would walk away now while i am still kind of in a good mood."

"There's more to what I said to Parker.Just give me a chance explain.Please.That's all i'm asking.One more chance."

I stared at her for a really long time"Wow..You really won't give this up will you?"

"No,"She smiled,"I won't because I truly like you."

I wasn't going to argue with her,because it truly did look like she liked me.Nobody would go through this much trouble if they didn't.I sighed and rubbed my face.Then I said:

"Fine.I get off at 3.Meet me at the library on the bench outside by the doors."

"Deal!"she exclaimed happily.

"Wait,"I scrunched my eyebrows,"Shouldn't you be in college right now?"

"Yes but I'm on my lunch hour."

"How much time do you have left?"

She checked her wristwatch,"Not a lot." She frowned.

I got up and walked over to her,"Do you have money on you?"

She pulled out 10 dollars. I took them and told her to wait there while I went and got something from the lunch vendors.I came back with a brown paper bag,a sprite and her change.She took them and thanked me plenty.

"I really gotta go now."I said as I gathered my things.

She nodded,"I'll see you later."

"Absolutelyj."I said,and made my way back to my classroom.


When classes let out that Friday I walked to the mall while talking to my mom over the phone.She updated me about the odd-goings-on back home in Illinois.My dad,who's a professional animal handler at the Chicago Zoo, got hurt while trying to control an alligator.He survived but he was sent home for a couple of weeks to recover from a minor bite.My older sister Luz had finally moved in with her boyfriend Andrew.And my mom had started her own at-home bakery for the people who live in our neighborhood. I have a brother named Cameron who's older than me and Luz but he's in the Marines.He's stationed in Florida.We haven't seen him since last December but he sends monthly letters to update us on his life.

When I walked into the library I saw Parker at the downstairs customer service desk. I handed him my book bag.

"So,"I said as I heaved the heavy back pain of a bag over the counter to him,"Guess what?"

"You owe another plate of food."He laughed.I laughed too.

"No.Oh but I did bring you some Chinese cuisine."I sighed,"No,Err..Mina came to talk to me during my lunch break."

A Bad Year In RomanticsWhere stories live. Discover now