Chapter 63: Bath and Battleworks

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((Hey I am SO SO SO SORRY for not updating!!! I've been suffering from major writer's block, and work has been CRAZY lately. I'm going to try and update as soon as possible. I didn't know how to fully extend the battle scene and I'm so sorry if it's not as good as it could've been, so I instead decided to put in some Sandy and Reader bonding cuz who doesn't love him??? I hope this makes up for the sucky battle.  Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!))


Staring at the red-clad plumber, I try to figure out his game plan before he can strike. He begins to sprint towards me, and I quickly move out of the way as I shoot a fireball at him. Mario goes down and slides under the flames, dodging them with ease. He then clambers onto his feet once more, running at me again. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out an Ice Flower and crushes it in his hands, activating the power-up. He begins to shoot blue blasts of ice at me, and I rush away from them. He fires an arc of icy balls at me, and I continue to run. However, one hits my feet and immediately freezes, causing me to be stuck in place. Mario begins to charge at me again as I try to break the ice around my feet. He leaps at me and I quickly duck down, causing him to fly over me.

He skids across the floor before standing back up. Cracking his knuckles, he walks over to me as I hurriedly tried to break the ice. A large crack appears in it and I grin before hitting it with all my strength. The ice shatters and I'm able to move once more. Before I can, I feel a hand grab my arm, and I react on instinct. Pulling myself away, I quickly throw a punch at his face. My fist connects with his face and he recoils slightly from it. I go to punch Mario again, but he's caught on and catches my hand in his. Freezing cold magic shoots out from his grip and surrounds my fist as ice encapsulates it. I whimper at the numbing sensation before kicking him away. He stumbles back and my hand weighs down due to the large ball of ice around it. Getting an idea, I manage to raise my arm and swing my hand at him. The ice connects with his face, and his ice powers fade as he tumbles to the floor. The ice shatters and my hand is freed once more. Clenching my fist to regain feeling in it, I then raise my wand at him to fire at him. 

He quickly gets up and dodges the blast of magic I fire at him before rushing at me. I try to dodge, but he's too quick and tackles me to the floor. I hit my head against the stone flooring and gasp in pain at the impact. Mario quickly stands up, grabbing me by the front of my dress, before hurling me to a wall. I slam against it and hit my head again, causing black to fade the edges of my vision. Slumping against the wall, I weakly raise my wand once more to try and hit him, but he easily takes it from me and throws it towards the others.

" over, (F/n)." With that, he grabs my arm and throws me across the room towards Peach, Luigi, and Sandy, where I stumble before collapsing to the floor. I slowly manage to stand back up once more, gasping as pain erupts through my body. Slowly turning to Mario, I begin to practically drag myself over to him, my head throbbing painfully. Mustering up as much energy as I can, I swing another punch at him. He easily catches my hand in his before spinning me around and hooking his arm around my neck loosely. I claw at his arm, trying to get free, fear settling in my stomach.

"...let me go...! Dammit, Mario...release me...!"

"...I'm sorry. But this is for your own good." He brings his arm tighter across my throat, smothering my air supply. I claw at him, try to kick, anything to free myself. Right as my last bit of air runs out, Mario releases me, sending me toppling to the floor.  As I lose the last bit of my energy, I weakly watch as Sandy rushes over to me. My vision fades to black as the sound of my name being screamed to the stars fills my ears.


As I begin to regain consciousness, the first things I can feel are a slight weight on my chest along with a damp patch of clothing, and a dull pounding in my head. Weakly groaning, I cover my eyes with a hand before I realize that someone is crying. Uncovering my eyes, I slowly crack them open before quickly covering my eyes again due to the light in the area. The person stops crying and sniffles as I slowly uncover my eyes, letting them get used to the light.

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