Chapter 62: The Grand Finale...?

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(Hello yes hi I am not dead. I'm sorry for not having updated lately, but work has been crazy lately and I've been working a lot. I hope you all enjoy this new chapter, and tell me what you all think will happen next!!)


I quietly eat the food that Bowser had brought for me, Peach, and Sandy and watch as he paces around impatiently. He's obviously anxious about this upcoming battle, and his worried expression says it all. I clear my throat to gain his attention and watch as he turns to me.

"Yes, (F/n)?..."

"'re worried about this final fight, right?" He glances away before nodding, slicking his fiery red hair back.

"...I am. It's obvious, huh?"

"...don't worry. I believe in you." He softly smiles at me before stretching. Suddenly, the alarms begin to blare, startling me and Sandy. Huffing, Bowser rolls his shoulders and head before cracking his knuckles.

"...looks like they'll be here soon." Peach stands up and I slowly stand as well, holding Sandy close to me. I watch as Bowser pulls out a small vial of a fiery red liquid and swirls it around a bit in the glass. Soon, the sound of large doors slamming shut can be heard. Opening the vial, the king quickly downs the fluids before quickly morphing back to his normal, scaly form. He begins to fire balls of flames down the corridor in hopes of hitting the two "heroes". However, the two mustachioed plumbers soon enter and stand in front of the doorway of the corridor.

"PEACH! (F/N)! WE'RE HERE TO SAVE YOU!!" Peach beams happily upon hearing Mario, but I sigh softly as I hold Sandy close. The Shy Guy clings onto me as we all watch the battle that is getting ready to unfold. Bowser lets out an ear-splitting roar that shakes the very bridge he and the Mario Bros are standing on before stomping towards them. He shoots out a blazing hot fireball which they jump over. He then shoots three more out in rapid succession, each one going at a different angle. The two barely manage to dodge them and we all watch as Bowser leaps high into the air to squash the duo under his feet. They quickly rush to the ax but fall to their knees as Bowser lands, sending a shockwave through the bridge. Peach cheers them on while Sandy and I remain silent. They quickly get up and rush towards the ax, and Bowser quickly rushes after. They push it and the ax falls, cutting the ropes holding the bridge up. The bridge collapses into the lava below and Bowser scrambles in mid-air before falling down with a splash. The red and green clad brothers come over to the cage and open it. Peach steps out and hugs the two before giving each of them a kiss on the cheek, which causes them to beam happily at her. Luigi turns to me and quietly walks over, a faint smile on his face.

"...(F/n), I...I-I..." He sniffles before hugging me. I freeze up and look at him, holding Sandy even closer to me. He pulls away and beams happily. "It's time to head back. I promise your family won't do anything to you. Trust me. I'll protect you." My brows slowly furrow as I shake my head.

"...I want to stay here. You got Peach. Take her back. I don't want to go." They all look at me quietly before Mario sighs softly.

"...(F/n), please. We gotta go. Don't worry. You'll be safe." I shake my head again, trembling slightly.

"I don't want to go back. My entire kingdom hates me. Don't you see?... I can't go back. I won't be accepted. Besides, I...this kingdom needs help too. And I want to help them."

" can help them another time. Please, just come on. And...leave the Shy Guy behind...the others will think he's not the most friendly..."

"I am NOT leaving Sandy. He's my best friend. He wants to go wherever I go."

"(F/n), he'll be okay. Just hand him here and we'll make sure he stays."

"Did you not hear me?! If I go, then he's coming."

"(F/n), stop being so stubborn."

"Mario, stop telling me what to do! If I must go, then he is coming along!"

"He's gotta stay!" The older Mario brother begins to walk over and I quickly turn, shielding Sandy away from him.

"If you want him to stay, then you'll have to pry him from my cold, dead arms." Peach walks over to Mario and gently places a hand on his shoulder.

"...Mario, let him come. She's serious." He softly sighs before turning back to me.

"...fine. Just...come on." They turn and begin to head out of the arena, but I stay put. I can't bring myself to move an inch, knowing that if I return to my former home that I would be severely punished. Feeling Sandy gently tap my arm, I look down at him and watch as he pulls my scepter out from behind his back.

"...Sandy, you...found my scepter?..." He nods, handing it to me.

"I've been holding onto it this entire time. I know you'd wanna have it." I softly smile at him and hold him close before looking at the wand. Feeling a wave of resolve and determination wash over me, my grip on my wand tightens as I aim it at Mario.

"...HEY, MARIO!!" The group turns to me and pales slightly, seeing me with my wand at the ready. "If you wanna take me back, you'll have to defeat me! I won't go down without a fight!"

"(F/n), are you sure about this? I don't wanna fight you..." I turn to Luigi quietly.

"...not you Luigi. Me against Mario. One on one. To determine who shall decide my fate." I then look to the older brother. "...well?" He adjusts his cape and his gloves before nodding, a serious look on his face.

"...consider it done." He begins to charge at me, and I quickly toss Sandy over to Peach, who catches him with ease.

"KEEP HIM SAFE FOR ME!" Before Mario can tackle me, I roll out of the way and blast a small burst of (f/c) flames at him. They singe his arm and he grips it, staring at me. I grin widely at him as I stand up, adrenaline flooding my veins. "Gotta try harder, Mario! I'm not going down so easily! This is my last stand!"

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