Chapter 40: Coming Out

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(Like I said, I have more time for the next few days, so I'll be able to upload more! I'm sorry about this filler-esque chapter, but I hope you all enjoy anyways!)

Looking out the window of my room at Wendy's fortress, I can't help but to feel a bit peaceful. The moon shone over the beautiful water, which quietly crashed and rolled across the sands of the beach. The air was salty, but in a pleasant way, and it was a warm, lovely temperature. The sand was silver in the moonlight, and the ocean shone white under the brightness of the moon, while the rest was a soothing, endless dark mass of constant movement. The silhouette could be seen by the light, the palm tree fronds swaying softly. Hearing a knock on the door, I turn to it, quiet, before calling out to the person on the other side.

“Come in.” The wooden door creaks open, revealing Wendy. Her hair is down, which reaches past her shoulders, and her makeup is off, revealing her natural look. She had removed her pink coat, her belt, jewelry, shoes, and skirt, remaining in her black top and leggings. “Hey, Wendy.”

“Hey, (F/n). Can I...well, I kinda need to get something off my chest.” I nod and sit on the soft bed that I've been provided for the night before patting the spot next to me. Closing the door behind her, she steps over and sits down, fidgeting slightly. I then notice a fleshy, pink scar around her right arm, but decide that it isn't important at the moment.

“You alright?...You seem really tense and anxious.” Letting out a soft sighs, the blonde glances away from me, her hands in her lap.

“I...Well, you know that I'm the only girl. And it gets tough at times. I don't really have anyone I can tell my personal thoughts and secrets to, but now that you're here, I feel like...Like I can actually tell stuff to. You know?” I nod, softly smiling. “Well, there's something I feel like I should tell you. Something that I've never told anyone. Ever.” I nod, becoming worried. “I….well, it's wrong, but I...I'm bisexual.” My eyes widen slightly and I nod, before speaking.

“I had no clue...but don't worry. I won't judge you for it. Alright? After all, you ARE my new sister. I think it actually adds more interesting info about you. And I think it's cute how you can find true love with either gender.” She nods, slowly looking at me and shakily smiling.

“Thank you for understanding, (F/n). It means a lot to me. Please...don't tell anyone. I...I want to tell them when I'm finally ready to, okay?” I quickly nod.

“Of course, Wendy. Now, should we go ahead and get some sleep? It is starting to get late, and you have to have plenty of energy so you can kick ass tomorrow.” She beams before nodding, her eyes sparkling.

“Yup. Will you be there to watch me win?”

“Of course! Wouldn't miss it for the world.” She smiles happily before standing and heading to the door. Opening it, she goes to leave, but pauses and turns back to me as I call her name. “Can I ask about that scar?...”

“Ah, this old thing? A rogue Chain Chomp tried to bite my arm off. However, I had my wand with me when it happened. Son of a bitch is now an ice sculpture in the courtyard.” I nod, eyes wide.

“Wow. That's crazy.” She nods, smiling. A pleasant, slightly awkward silence fills the air as we don't know exactly what to say. After a few moments, she speaks up, a sincere expression on her face.

“...thanks again, (F/n). Good night.”

“Good night, Wendy.” Smiling, she exits my room, shutting the door behind her. Yawning, I remove the beanie and mesh shirt before turning the lights off. Closing the window, I lay down under my covers and slowly doze off into a restless and uneasy sleep.

My dreams are plagued with all of my new family members getting injured at the hands of Mario, while I stand there without any way to help them. All I could do was watch as they were repeatedly stomped on by the so-called hero, unable to rush over or even cry out to them. They begged for forgiveness, but he wouldn't show them mercy.

Waking up, I sit up, my body clammy and breathing labored. Looking outside, I see that it's still nighttime outside, and sigh, shaking slightly. Trying to rid my mind of the dream, I head out onto the balcony and stand outside, breathing in the ocean air to help soothe my nerves. Slowly managing to calm down, I sigh before staring at the sky, my eyes studying the constellations. Feeling at peace with myself, I finally manage to accept that I am afraid of what will happen, and what fate has in store for everyone involved in this huge fiasco. Turning back to my room, I go inside and shut the door before laying back down and attempting to go back to sleep.

At first, I couldn't. All I could do was lay there, endless thoughts running through my mind. Shutting my eyes, I brought up the memory of the night when Ludwig had sung the lullaby to help me sleep. Softly sighing, I felt more at ease by the thought of him. After a bit, I slowly managed to fall back to sleep, this time having no dreams and experiencing nothing but a deep, restful slumber.

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